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About Union

About Union

United in Spirit. Grounded in Truth.

2016-2021 Strategic Plan

黑料论坛's founders established an educational institution in the American frontier of the early 19th century. In 1823, only one year after the founding of Jackson, the school that would become 黑料论坛 began operations. From that campus, the region's leaders were trained and carried their alma mater's ethic of intellectual curiosity, biblical fidelity, and hard work into towns across the region.

As the University approaches its bicentennial, it is now a beacon of Christ-centered excellence, not only in Tennessee but across the nation and around the globe. A wide variety of ranking sources recognize the rigor of its academic programs, the vigor of its service learning endeavors, the vitality of its Christian commitment, and the value of its positive impact on students.

The University's commitment to a vibrant and collaborative strategic planning process has provided both a vision for the future and a tool for discernment in decision making. One of the unique features of the University's plans is the manner in which they interlink with one another, constantly moving forward in scope. This is certainly true as United in Spirit. Grounded in Truth. builds on Renewing Minds: Union 2012 and Illuminating Minds: Union 2015 to advance the trajectory toward the bicentennial of our founding.

Union's new strategic plan reflects the expanded opportunities embraced by the University: a robust liberal arts and sciences core, greater service to Memphis and Nashville, intentional outreach to international constituencies, new enhancements afforded by technology, and a deep commitment to its faith foundations. By relying on God's providence, 黑料论坛 looks forward to a third century of bringing glory to God by exploring His revelation of Himself in Scripture and in the world He created.

Rooted in the great Christian intellectual tradition, 黑料论坛 emphasizes that study, service, and piety are integral to the worship of God. Through a liberal arts core curriculum that infuses all academic disciplines and degree levels, the University explores how God's truth is foundational to all human pursuit.

The University's motto, Religio et Eruditio, "faith and learning," describes the simultaneous and indivisible commitments of the University to God-honoring education. For Christians who are committed to the faith given once for all peoples and all generations, "faith" and "learning" are not separate concepts but rather are two sides of the same gospel coin. Indeed, Union is a place where learning is integrated with faith, infused with hope, and transformed by love.

Union's mission is to provide Christ-centered education that promotes excellence and character development in service to Church and society.

The University's identity statement further amplifies the overall spirit and purpose of the community: 黑料论坛 is an academic community, affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention, equipping persons to think Christianly and serve faithfully in ways consistent with its core values of being Excellence-Driven, Christ-Centered, People-Focused, and Future-Directed. These values shape its identity as an institution that prioritizes liberal arts based undergraduate education enhanced by professional and graduate programs. The academic community is composed of high quality faculty, staff, and students working together in a caring, grace-filled environment conducive to the development of character, servant leadership, and cultural engagement.

To fulfill the mission in accordance with our core values, we pursue seven strategic themes in United in Spirit. Grounded in Truth. The plan's strategies and accompanying goals and activities will enable Union to pursue on-going distinctiveness in its academic programs, constantly seeking after the ultimate embodiment of truth: Jesus Christ.

Strategic Themes

1 Bearing Witness to the Transforming Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Incorporate evangelism and discipleship training and efforts into academic programs and campus life.
  • Consistently integrate the Christian Intellectual Tradition across disciplines.
  • Create additional opportunities for students to be involved in global missions as well as local ministry and outreach opportunities.
  • Effectively share stories of the ways faculty, staff, and students are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Ensure that publications and marketing materials clearly articulate Union's Christ-centered focus and commitment.
  • Provide students, faculty, and staff with opportunities to explore and pursue racial reconciliation while seeking to increase Gospel-centered diversity throughout the campus.
  • Remain true to our convictions and core values and advocate for religious liberty.
  • Continue to serve as a resource and partner for Southern Baptist life and like-minded Christian institutions.
2 Expanding Enrollment Across the University
  • Develop an integrated marketing and enrollment plan to attract targeted prospective students in all disciplines and programs.
  • Create a prominent and welcoming environment for prospective students and their families.
  • Develop additional innovative programming to attract new traditional, nontraditional, and graduate students.
  • Strengthen the relationships between Union and our stakeholders (including alumni, donors, churches, the Tennessee Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention) to partner in the recruitment of new students.
3 Enhancing Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency to Advance the Mission
  • Exercise responsible fiscal stewardship of University resources.
  • Create a campus culture of care and service to students.
  • Develop a cyclical maintenance plan for efficient management and optimal use of the physical plant.
  • Focus on operational effectiveness and efficiency as part of decision making in all areas of the University.
  • Review and update Faculty and Staff Handbooks and make policy manuals available to administrators for management purposes.
  • Cultivate comprehensive faculty/staff professional development designed to encourage continuous improvement of human resources.
  • Improve and enhance the programming, delivery, and efficiency of academic programs and resources.
  • Engage a comprehensive master planning process for the physical campus to envision how it might take shape over the next twenty years.
  • Increase the number of donors to the University to 6,000 over the next five years.
  • Develop and implement a plan for expanding Union's endowment by 40% over the next five years.
4 Revising the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum
  • Assess the educational competencies needed for servant leadership in the 21st century.
  • Ensure the educational outcomes goals for every degree program to form students for faithful service in Church and society.
  • Review and revise the liberal arts core curriculum to ensure that the core achieves the desired competencies.
5 Supporting Meaningful Research Among Faculty and Students
  • Increase research opportunities and support for faculty.
  • Increase research opportunities for students.
  • Expand facilities, technology, and atmosphere to cultivate and support research efforts among faculty and students.
  • Celebrate and publicize meaningful research activities among faculty and students.
6 Developing Leaders for the Future
  • Encourage and reward excellence in teaching and leading among faculty and staff.
  • Provide formal opportunities for development of leadership skills among faculty and staff.
  • Expand opportunities for students to develop leadership skills.
7 Bolstering Student Life and Building Community
  • Enhance student life and build community through intentional programs and services.
  • Evaluate and improve campus facilities to promote, cultivate, and build community.
  • Encourage and equip faculty and staff to build healthy relationships with students and colleagues.
  • Enhance career preparation and placement services.
  • Infuse more academic programming and partnerships in campus residence halls.