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Faculty Focus: G. Jan Wilms

Sometimes, a faculty research leave enables the accomplishment of two largely unrelated goals. Wilms was able to work on a lab-based manual to use in his classes and do overseas teaching in the classrooms of Thailand. Although Wilms taught his classes in English, the trip had the added benefit of allowing his two sons to become immersed in Thai language and culture. Apart from his teaching duties, Wilms found the time he needed to complete his writing project.

Wilms: "I was only teaching two classes, so they were really not all that time-consuming. I was able to do a lot of my research (for the lab manual) even while I was over there. The benefit of my research was I had my materials with me. I didn't really have to have access to a giant library."

  • G. Jan Wilms, Professor of Computer Science and Department Chair, ºÚÁÏÂÛ̳
  • Address: Faculty Research Leave at ºÚÁÏÂÛ̳
  • Recording Date: Mar 1, 2010, 10:00 a.m.
  • Length: 12:12
  • Format(s): MP3;

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