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Faculty Focus: Bradley G. Green

Green took his wife Diane and three children to Tyndale House in Cambridge, England. They lived in Cambridge for four months. Green drew upon the resources of this world-renowned center for biblical research as he worked on four book projects. In addition, Green took on additional reading, including a study of Latin and Hebrew grammars that he explains was "just for fun." He valued the concentrated time to think about these projects and interact with some of the world's greatest theologians.

Green: "I think students need to see that their professors are still learning and still thinking and that there is a real active mind in there in front of them, teaching their classes."

  • Brad Green, Associate Professor of Christian Thought & Tradition, ºÚÁÏÂÛ̳
  • Address: Faculty Research Leave at ºÚÁÏÂÛ̳
  • Recording Date: Oct 1, 2010, 8:00 a.m.
  • Length: 14:11
  • Format(s): MP3;

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