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Read, Pray, Sing Conference: Heath Thomas

A crucial question in reading Scripture is surprisingly simple: "What am I reading for?" This session will take us through some major reasons we read Scripture. We will see that people normally read the Bible to understand: ancient history, ancient literature, ancient culture, God's rules, God's promises, or simple facts. We will see that each of these, while important, fall short of what it means to read Scripture. We will explore a seventh way that helps us hear the voice of God in and through His Word.

  • Heath Thomas, Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew and Director of PhD Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC
  • Address: The Magnificent 7: Seven Ways of Reading (or Misreading) Scripture
  • Recording Date: Apr 13, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
  • Length: 57:21
  • Format(s): MP3;

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