Union News & Information

News Release

Union University goes "Back to the Future"
for Homecoming 2000

Jayne Simpson ('81) and daughter Sarah of Huntington, Tenn. flip through publications from Union's past.
Jackson, Tenn. - Unionites both young and old came together Feb. 18-19 to celebrate more than 175 years of history and memories. According to Gary Williams, executive director of alumni services, more than 400 Union alumni participated in the many different activities offered over the long weekend.

"Overall, we had a great turnout," said Williams, "I was very pleased with how many attended the awards luncheon as well as the dinners that were held Friday night."

Several department-sponsored dinners and receptions were held Friday night including class reunions for 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1990 and 1995. Those 1950 graduates and "Golden Year" graduates (those who graduated before 1950) were honored with gold medallions engraved with Union's seal.

Current Union students also celebrated Homecoming.

"It was an awesome week," said Holly Spann, director of the Wellness Center who assisted with coordinating the student events during Homecoming.

More than 200 students attended the Wild and Wacky games, a competition based on the TV show Gladiators. Several students and groups competed during the event that was held for the second time this year.

A coffeehouse, held Wednesday night in Coburn and headlined by contemporary Christian artist Jami Smith, also was well attended.

Representatives for Chi Omega sorority (Jennifer Burt & Mindy Sellers)
proudly accept the President's Cup for student Homecoming competition.

"It was a wonderful night, and Jami made a point to say she had really enjoyed it," said Spann. "She commented on the warmth of our students and how much fun she had visiting with them."

The Variety Show, an event that has become a staple of the university during Homecoming, occurred Friday night. More than 1000 people attended the entertainment-packed evening, with performances from the university jazz band, gospel choir, and several groups performing music and choreography.

Lili Myatt, a senior Spanish major from Jackson, was crowned homecoming queen Saturday during half-time festivities. Other members of the homecoming court include: Beth Chapman of Paducah, Ky., Michelle Hardee of Memphis, Tenn., Rachel Lovelace of Jackson, Lisa Sipes of Memphis, and Ashley Yarbro of Dyersburg.

The President's Cup, given every year to the student organization with the most cumulative points during homecoming competitions, was awarded this year to the Chi Omega sorority. The Student Activities Council received second place with the ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha coming in third.

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