Union News & Information

News Release

Summer Showcase theatre
camp premieres at Union

Jackson, Tenn. – The Communication Arts Department at Union University will offer its first annual Summer Showcase theatre camp for students in the Madison County area during the month of June.

"Theatre should always be exciting for the audience and for those involved in the production," says Wayne Johnson, communication arts professor and director of the program. "The Summer Showcase is one way we can provide an action-packed, learning and thoroughly enjoyable theatrical experience for students."

Throughout the month, participants will be exposed to all areas of production and allowed to give their attention to their particular area of interest whether performance or technical. All activities will work toward an end-of-season production showcasing the skills of all of the participants, according to Johnson.

The first week will cover acting and vocal exercises and auditions will be held to determine cast and crew. The following two weeks will be spent working on the production with the final week devoted to polishing the show for a performance June 29. Total cost to participate in the Summer Showcase is $220 and deadline for the limited enrollment is May 22.

For more information regarding the Summer Showcase and how to obtain an application, contact the Communication Arts Department at (901) 661-5381.