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News Release

Porch challenges students to walk in light

James Porch, Executive Director-Treasurer of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, delivers the baccalaureate address during Union's graduation weekend.
Jackson, Tenn. – James Porch, Executive Director-Treasurer of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, delivered the message "Three Men Came Walking…And Then Came a Fourth," at the baccalaureate program Saturday, May 20.

Addressing the soon-to-be graduates, Porch told the story of three men he observed over a period of fifteen years and the unique lessons he learned.

The first man he spoke of was a blind man who carried a cane.

"The blind man could not see where he was going," said Porch. "I saw the endurance and effort he made, but I also saw the power of distraction in his life - stopping at intersections, listening for noises. It caused me to question the distractions in my own life."

The second man walked with a crutch though he had no visible disability.

"This man feared where he was going. He used the crutch to prop himself up in case he failed. I noticed how intently he held on to that crutch and that he couldn't lay aside his own incumbence." Porch questioned himself, wondering "what do I clutch as a crutch?"

The third man had no limitations. He just walked and in the process had worn out 27 pairs of tennis shoes.

"This man didn't care where he was going," explained Porch to the crowd of graduates and their family and friends in attendance. "He was dissatisfied but he never ventured on the road less traveled. He simply walked every day where he had walked the day before.

"Nearly 2000 years ago One walked along a seashore, on dusty roads and spoke with such urgency," said Porch. "He who walks in darkness doesn't know where he is going so walk where there is light so darkness may not overtake you."

Porch challenged the graduates to follow the only one person, Christ, who ever had the authority to say 'follow me.'

While at Union, Porch was inducted in the R.G. Lee Society of Fellows. The Society is a network of ministerial leaders whose purpose is to enhance and encourage the preaching of the gospel.