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Press Release

Holocaust scholar embarks
on German book tour

The Righteous Gentiles of the HolocaustJackson, Tenn
. - Evangelical leader and ethicist David Gushee will participate in a book tour through Germany to promote the German translation of his 1994 publication, "The Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust: A Christian Interpretation." The book is being published by One Way Verlag, a German-based Christian publishing house. It was originally published in the United States by Fortress Press in 1994.

Gushee's book is a study of Christians and other non-Jews who rescued Jews during the Holocaust. According to Gushee, the subjects of his book took whatever opportunities they could create to help a people marked for death. Today the Jewish community remembers these rescuers as the "righteous gentiles," Gushee says.

"I'm excited about this opportunity to reflect on the Holocaust in the land of its origin. The German people have come to grips in an admirable way with this evil and worst event of their history. I expect a respectful response and a vigorous dialogue," Gushee says.

Dr. David GusheeGushee, associate professor of Christian studies at Union and director of the university's Center for Christian Leadership, is one of the leading Christian scholars on the Holocaust. He has published numerous articles about the Holocaust, appearing in "The Journal of Holocaust and Genocide Studies," "The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science" and "Christianity Today." He has also lectured twice in Memphis on the subject of the Holocaust, at Rhodes College and at the "Facing History and Ourselves" summer workshop for teachers.

The tour begins Monday, Oct. 5, in Essen, Germany and will take Gushee to bookstores, churches, a seminary and a Jewish community made up of Russian immigrants. Stops will include Nurnberg, Frankfurt and several other cities.