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Press Release

Pray speaks at Baptist
Student Union Convention

pray.jpg (17229 bytes)Jackson, Tenn
. - Brownsville resident Dr. Bevalee Pray, chair of the McAfee School of Business Administration at ºÚÁÏÂÛ̳, conducted a seminar titled, "Handling Money Responsibly as a Christian," at the State Baptist Student Union Convention, held Sept. 25-26 at Calvary Baptist Church in Jackson, Tenn.

Pray's seminar dealt with debt, budgeting techniques, buying habits and patterns and biblical principles related to finance. This year was her first year to speak at the conference on the topic.

Those who attended were college students from across the state who were involved in their Baptist Student Unions.

"Most of the students were juniors and seniors, and they'll be dealing with this very soon. They'll have to make choices and decide what are 'needs' and 'wants'," Pray explained. "It's important to prioritize before you get out of school."

Pray joined Union faculty in 1994 and is also assistant professor of finance and management.