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News Release

Union professor will discuss the role of an actuary

Jackson, Tenn.October 26, 2000 – Troy Riggs, associate professor of mathematics and statistics, will speak to Union University students, professors and interested members of the community in a lecture titled "The Actuarial Profession," Monday, Oct. 30 at 3:30 p.m in room C-13 of the Penick Academic Complex. His presentation is in conjunction with the math and computer science colloquia series.

Riggs' will share information about the role of an actuary, a mathematically trained business professional who analyzes risk and finance.

"This is a challenging, interesting, and lucrative profession that I think very few students and professors are aware of, and I want to share my experiences taking exams and working briefly in this field," said Riggs.

This lecture is the second one in a series for whose intent is to provide a forum for sharing scholarship and information with faculty and students on campus. Students, faculty, and members of the community are invited, but it is specifically designed for math, computer science, or business majors and professionals.

A graduate with a bachelor's in mathematics and psychology from the University of South Dakota, Rigss received his doctorate from the University of Nebraska. A member of Union's faculty from 1993-1998, he then went on to work at American Memorial Life Insurance in South Dakota. There, Riggs did actuarial work, statistical analysis and reporting on new marketing initiatives. He recently rejoined Union as an associate professor of mathematics and statistics.

Matt Lunsford, associate dean of the college of arts and sciences, will present the next lecture in the series, "Calculus before Newton: the works of Fermat & Descartes" on Monday, Nov. 20. For more information, contact the department of math and computer science at (901) 661-5267.