JACKSON, Tenn. — Oct. 12, 2006 — ̳’s Career Services office will host Career “U”niversity Oct. 26-27, to provide students with career advice and a chance to meet with recruiters.
This year, “Career U” will for the first time be a two-day, discipline-specific event. “Career U” for business and professional studies majors will be Oct. 26, with “Career U” for liberal arts majors on Oct. 27. The event will run from 3-6 p.m. each day.
Both events will feature a mini career fair, two in-depth career development workshops and an “Ask the Experts” question-and-answer session with program presenters and select recruiters.
This year’s workshop topics will focus on interviewing, graduate school, the job search and career success.
Pat Faber-Garey, executive career coach and author of the book “Great Jobs for Graduates: 90 Days to the Career of a Lifetime,” will be the keynote speaker Oct. 27. Students from Lambuth University and Freed-Hardeman University will also participate that day.
Recruiting companies and corporate sponsors for this year’s “Career U” include Aeneas Internet and Telephone, AmSouth/Regions Bank, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Horne LLP, Medtronic, Paradoxe Corp., the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Wal-Mart., Wells Fargo Financial and Youth Villages.
For more information, call (731) 661-5302.