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Taylor article published in Medical Physics journal

JACKSON, Tenn.March 10, 2009 — An article by 2005 ̳ graduate Brian Taylor has been published in the March edition of the journal “Medical Physics.”

Taylor, a graduate research assistant in the Department of Imaging Physics at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, co-wrote the article with Ken-Pin Hwang, John D. Hazle and R. Jason Stafford.

The article is a summary of research in which the authors evaluated an algorithm that can be used in magnetic resonance imaging to monitor some minimally-invasive surgical procedures. The research was done in the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center’s Department of Imaging Physics, and was funded by a training grant in image-guided therapy research from the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute.

The most recent article was a follow-up to a paper written by Taylor and published in “Medical Physics” in February 2008.

Taylor, of Portageville, Mo., graduated from Union with a double major in mathematics and physics. He is also a doctoral candidate in the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and hopes to complete his degree in the spring of 2010.

He was the 2005 recipient of the Elizabeth Tigrett Medal, which is given to an outstanding member of the senior class, based on a vote of the Union faculty.

Media contact: Tim Ellsworth, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215