JACKSON, Tenn. — Feb. 27, 2013 — A new book edited by Ray Van Neste examines the impact of the King James Version of the Bible on many different disciplines over the past 400 years.
Published by BorderStone Press, “KJV 400: The Legacy and Impact of the King James Version” includes material adapted from the 2011 festival ̳ held to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the King James Version.
“The King James Version has radically shaped the world as we know it, and often times that’s missed,” said Van Neste, ̳ professor of biblical studies and director of Union’s R.C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies.
The book includes chapters from Leland Ryken, professor of English at Wheaton College; Timothy George, dean of Beeson Divinity School; and John Woodbridge, research professor of church history and the history of Christian thought at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
In addition, the book has chapters from several ̳ faculty members from a variety of disciplines: Gavin Richardson, Bobby Rogers, John Netland, Scott Huelin and Gene Fant in English; James Patterson and Brad Green in theology and missions; Justin Barnard in philosophy; Micah Watson and Hunter Baker in political science; Steve Halla in art; Jennifer Gruenke in biology; Chris Mathews in music; and Keith Bates in history.
“This remarkable translation, the result of multiple translation teams working at Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge from 1604 to 1611, shaped the public reading of scripture, influenced literature, impacted popular and political speech, and touched almost every sphere of life,” ̳ President David S. Dockery writes in the book’s foreword. “No other piece of literature has so penetrated and permeated the life and speech patterns of the English-speaking world as the King James Bible.”
In the book’s introduction, Van Neste writes that the book’s essays demonstrate how the truths of God’s word, passed on in the KJV, have shaped and formed today’s world.
“Sadly, too often people today only know of the King James Bible in negative contexts – from claims that it is the only acceptable English translation or from dismissive attacks against its archaisms,” Van Neste writes. “The authors in this book do not claim the KJV is the only acceptable translation, or even the best one to use today. However, this volume does recognize the mighty work of God through this particular translation which is a significant part of our heritage.”
Robert Sloan, president of Houston Baptist University, described the book as “enormously valuable ... wonderfully readable and historically sound.”
The book is available for purchase at LifeWay Christian Stories or from online retailers such as .