JACKSON, Tenn. — Nov. 6, 2001 — David S. Dockery, president of ̳, will offer the plenary address at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society at the November 15-16 gathering in Colorado Springs, Col. Dockery’s address, titled “Defining Evangelicalism Biblically,” will focus on the questions of evangelical identity, biblical inspiration and biblical authority in the current debate between traditional and postconservative evangelicals.
Dockery, who is a widely sought after speaker in the area of higher education, cultural and theological issues, has spoken at various institutions and universities including Wheaton College, Samford University, Palm Beach Atlantic College, Moscow Theological Institute (Russia), the American Institute for the Study of American Protestantism, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Princeton University, and the Canadian Baptist Seminary, among others. In addition, he has delivered the following endowed lectureships:
- Dimension Lectures, Gardner-Webb College
- Page Lectures, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Spell Lectures, Mississippi College
- Henderson-Powell Lectures, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
- 50th Anniversary Lecture, Christian Life Commission of the SBC
- Day-Higginbotham Lectures, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Founders Day Lecture, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Powell Lectures, Florida Baptist College
- Hobbs Lectures, Oklahoma Baptist University