JACKSON, Tenn. — Jan. 14, 2002 — ̳ President David S. Dockery joined other Southern Baptist leaders in offering his remembrance of the great leader and “pastor’s pastor,” W.A. Criswell, who passed away Jan. 10. He was 92.
The death of the legendary Texas Baptist pastor brings a close to a wonderful era in Southern Baptist history, said Dockery, who served with Criswell for more than four years as an associate pastor at First Baptist Church in Dallas, where Criswell was pastor for almost 50 years.
“Criswell was a pulpit giant, a great leader and a pastor’s pastor,” said Dockery. “His preaching was inimitable, his love for the Lord and people was infectious, and his leadership abilities almost unparalleled in his day.
“His commitment to the inspiration of Scripture and to expositional preaching will without question be the legacy carried on by the next generation of Baptist and evangelical leaders,” added Dockery.
Though bigger than life in many ways, Dockery said that those who had the privilege of knowing Criswell will remember his personal kindness, his humility and his approachableness.
“A giant has been ushered into the presence of our Lord,” said Dockery. “We will miss him for sure. Thanks be to God for the life, ministry and influence of W.A. Criswell.”