JACKSON, Tenn. — Jan. 15, 2002 — The ºÚÁÏÂÛ̳ Forked Deer Sacred Harp Singers will host their annual sing in the Instrumental Rehearsal Room in Union’s Jennings Hall on Saturday, Feb. 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend this free event.
Sacred Harp, a form of shapenote hymn singing, uses the popular shapenote hymnal The Sacred Harp, first published in 1844. The notes on the staff are in the normal pitch places, but pitch is also represented by four shapes – the triangle, circle, square and diamond – as the noteheads. The four shapes are referred to as fa, sol, la and mi – thus, shapenote singing is also called Fasola singing, according to Michael Penny, associate professor of music at Union and coordinator of the event.
A customary offering will be taken and those who attend are encouraged to bring a dish for potluck lunch. Coffee and tea will also be provided. Anyone who loves to sing is encouraged to come participate in this group singing and all denominations are invited. For more information, contact Michael Penny at (731) 661-5230.