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144 graduate during Union’s summer commencement

Jennifer Jones (left) and Latoria Neal (center) received their Bachelor of Social Work degrees during the July 25 graduation. Also pictured is Rhonda Hudson (right), professor of social work. (Photo by Kristi Woody)
Jennifer Jones (left) and Latoria Neal (center) received their Bachelor of Social Work degrees during the July 25 graduation. Also pictured is Rhonda Hudson (right), professor of social work. (Photo by Kristi Woody)

JACKSON, Tenn.July 25, 2015 — Sam Myatt said “Well done” to a number of ̳ graduates during the university’s summer commencement service July 25 at West Jackson Baptist Church.

One hundred forty-four students received their degrees during the service, which marked the close to the 2014-2015 academic year at Union.

Myatt, Union’s assistant registrar and a professor in continuing studies, delivered the commencement address and used Jesus’ parable of the talents in Matthew 25 to express his appreciation to the graduates.

“Thank you for investing your most valuable resources – your time and money – in your education,” Myatt said. “As you receive your well-earned diplomas today, may God bless you as you choose to invest your resources into the service of others.

Myatt, who has spent 40 years as a teacher, is retiring from Union at the end of August after 28 years of service to the university in a variety of roles.

Union President Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver called Myatt “a humble servant, a generous friend, a dedicated teacher, a loving family man and a faithful follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

In his opening remarks, Oliver said as long as communities have existed, they have marked significant passages by ceremony and celebration.

“Such is the tradition for colleges and universities, as each graduates its students and sends them out for service and leadership in the world,” Oliver said. “Commencement is a time to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates. It’s a time to reflect upon the power of the relationships that had such a transformative effect during their time here. And it’s a time to look with hope to the future.”

Media contact: Tim Ellsworth, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215