JACKSON, Tenn. — Sept. 14, 2015 — Journalist and author Rod Dreher will speak at ̳ Sept. 17 on “Dante’s Message in a Bottle: The Astonishing True Story of How a Medieval Poem Saved My Life.”
A senior editor at The American Conservative, Dreher’s work has appeared in Time, The Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, The New York Post, the Washington Times and the National Review, among other publications. He is the author of three books: “Crunchy Cons,” “The Little Way of Ruthie Leming” and “How Dante Can Save Your Life.”
Sponsored by the ̳ Honors Community, Dreher’s lecture will begin at 7 p.m. in Harvey Auditorium, located in the Barefoot Student Union Building. It is free and open to the public.