JACKSON, Tenn. — Jan. 25, 2002 — Brent Housman, a 1993 ̳ graduate, says his memories of Union are “nothing but sweet.”
An active student while at Union, Housman served as social chairman, vice president, and president of Lambda Chi Alpha. He was also president of SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise). Majoring in both business and psychology, he jokingly adds that his minor was in “goofing off.”
A pivotal moment in his life was noticing a picture of a beautiful girl sitting on his roomate, Chris Mchee’s, desk. Housman was immediately interested in Sara. They were introduced that night at the Howdy Party, an annual start-back-to-school mixer, and in his own words, “we were inseparable from that moment on.”
Now a successful businessman, husband, and father of Allison Caroline (18 months) and another child on the way, Housman continues to support and contribute to Union. He is an active Lambda Chi Alpha alumnus with a passion to see his fraternity continue to grow in unity through Christ.
Apart from being involved with Union alumni, Housman is a very active leader with the youth of his church, Heartland Worship Center in Paducah, Ky. He is also currently working on his master’s degree in business.
Amidst Housman’s busy schedule, he says that he would not miss homecoming for anything.
“Union means so much to me,” reflects Housman. “If I had it all to do over again, I would go back to Union. I received so much from my time there both in and outside of the classroom and those experiences have shaped and molded me into who I am now.”
Housman looks forward to seeing old friends this year at Homecoming and says he plans on being there to root for the Bulldogs and Lady Bulldogs.
“The basketball team is so awesome!” says Housman. “I love watching Union ball.
“Homecoming will be great as always,” says Housman. “I could never give back to Union what they’ve given to me, but I’ll sure continue to try.”