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Oliver addresses justice at Fall Convocation

Union President Samuel W. "Dub" Oliver speaks at Fall Convocation Aug. 26. (Photo by Kristi Woody)
Union President Samuel W. "Dub" Oliver speaks at Fall Convocation Aug. 26. (Photo by Kristi Woody)

JACKSON, Tenn.Aug. 26, 2016 — ̳ President Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver said a biblical view of justice is integral to Christian faith and evangelism in his address at Fall Convocation Aug. 26.

Oliver said when most people think about justice, they think about fairness, legal justice, retribution for wrongdoers or distribution of resources and power, but the biblical understanding of justice is broader than those things.

“Rule of law is important, and distributive principles help us keep things orderly, but they will not usher in justice,” Oliver said. “We are talking about an ideal that reflects the human longing for wholeness and harmony in relationships.”

He said justice must be evaluated in relation to God. If Jesus is the standard, then justice is dependent on a right relationship with him.

“We can be right in our doctrine,” Oliver said. “We can be right in much of our practice. But our orthodoxy is an empty shell unless God’s truth has warmed our hearts and moved us into relationships with individuals and with our society.”

Oliver said injustice is easily recognized when it happens to individuals but more difficult to identify when it happens to other groups. He said concern for justice requires knowledge and understanding beyond one’s own circles.

“It’s only when we are well connected with others that we can recognize when they are experiencing injustice,” Oliver said.

Fall Convocation marked the first chapel service for the fall semester. C. Ben Mitchell, provost and vice president for academic affairs, introduced new faculty members. Kaylee Gibson, president of Union’s Student Government Association, welcomed new and returning students and encouraged them to make the most of their time at Union.

“Every day is an opportunity to grow,” she said. “It’s an opportunity to learn and an opportunity to dive deep into this community of believers who share a larger faith.”

Oliver’s complete address is available at

Media contact: Tim Ellsworth, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215