JACKSON, Tenn. — March 19, 2019 — Jim Shaddix, W.A. Criswell Chair of Expository Preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, said the reading and explanation of God’s Word must be at the center of all biblical preaching. Shaddix was the primary speaker at ̳’s Ryan Center for Biblical Studies’ 2019 Spring Bible Conference March 15-16.
“Illustration and application both largely are dependent upon explanation,” Shaddix said in the Saturday morning session. “Explanation so that people can understand and the truth of God’s Word can find its way into their hearts”
Shaddix spoke in three sessions on the topic “Ancient Text, Fresh Touch: Revival and the Word of God,” showing the Bible as both the source and destination of renewal in the church. The Saturday morning sessions focused on “Scripture and the Community of Faith.”
Shaddix spoke on the story of a revival in Israel from the book of Nehemiah. He said this revival began with the people gathering around Scripture and serves as an example for communities of faith today. When the people in the Old Testament gathered around the Scriptures, they gathered as one. He said churches today often look instead to things like programs, vision statements or values to bring unity.
“We’re always looking for something to unite the people and make us one,” Shaddix said. “When we come to the Word of God in both the Old and New Testament, the thing that God desires to unite us is his word.”
He said when people are united around the Word of God, all of the other things that divide churches become secondary. He said God unfolded his revelation through real men in the Bible, and people who are hungry to hear from God should hunger for Scripture.
Shaddix said right theology ought to inform how people and churches approach every encounter with the Bible.
“This book requires understanding,” he said. “It is not a topical book. It is not a book that we’re just to draw subjects out of. It is not a book that we’re just to be inspired by. This is our Bible; this is the very Word of God. This is the voice of God, and it demands that we understand it because this is God speaking.”
Ray Van Neste, director of the Ryan Center and dean for Union’s School of Theology and Missions, said Shaddix has a passion for expository preaching of the Bible.
“Through his books and conversations, a deep desire to form faithful expositors flows from him,” Van Neste said. “We were delighted to welcome back Dr. Shaddix for our ninth annual Bible Conference.”
In addition to the three main sessions, the conference also included parallel sessions on revival and the Bible led by faculty members in the School of Theology and Missions including Van Neste, Kevin Chen, Brad Green and Paul Jackson.