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̳ Players to present contemporary Gospel of John

JACKSON, Tenn.Feb. 27, 2002 — ̳ will present the contemporary style drama “John, His Story” beginning March 7 and running through March 12 in the W.D. Powell Theatre on Union’s campus.

Jeremy Parker, Daniel Graham, Chad Carlson, Nathan Ross and Bret Scott (L to R) rehearse for the March 7-12 performances of “John, His Story,” a contemporary dramatization of the Gospel of John.

"John, His Story" by Jeannette Clift George is a dramatization of the Gospel of John in a contemporary setting, and will portray the same message but in a different way, bringing new meaning to old teachings, according to David Burke, associate professor and director of the theatre.

“We’re trying to destroy stereotypes of God,” said Burke. “God is raw, and when he’s raw, he is pretty intense. We’re trying to look outside the Sunday School box.”

David Burke (left) works with Bret Scott and Chad Carlson during rehearsals for "John, His Story"

According to Burke, George makes the story more modern and applicable to today’s audience by having the characters dress in modern day clothes and use modern day speech. Burke explains that the purpose of this production is to show the audience that the Bible is more than just stories that were only related to a people and a time long gone.

The first evening’s performance will be followed by a reception hosted by the ̳ Players. Audience members will have the opportunity to speak with cast members.

Times for the evening performances are 8 p.m. nightly, with a Sunday afternoon matinee at 2:30 p.m. Admission for adults is $7 general admission and $8 reserved seating. For children and students, admission is $3 general admission and $4 reserved seating.

For more information, contact the Union Theatre Box Office at (731) 661-5105.

Media contact: Sara B. Horn, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215