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Madison wins Union’s top academic scholarship

Makayla Madison
Makayla Madison

JACKSON, Tenn.March 8, 2024 — Makayla Madison, a high school senior from Chickamauga, Georgia, has received the 2024 Founders’ Scholarship from ̳. This is Union’s highest academic scholarship, which covers full tuition, room, meals and student service fees for four years.

This scholarship was determined from Union’s Scholars of Excellence event — an annual scholarship competition that draws the highest qualified prospective students to campus for a weekend of interviews and other activities.

Madison, a home school student, is the daughter of Reggie and Erika Madison. She is part of a home church that her family hosts.

She plans to major in creative writing at Union with a minor in Spanish, with long-term plans to attend law school and practice law.

Madison said an apologetics conference in 2023 with hundreds of other students showed her how God works through communities that are dedicated to him.

“A college community of people who live for God is an open invitation for the Lord to work,” she said. “It reminds me of the early church of Acts, who were together in one accord and devoted to the faith. That is the type of environment I want to be in for my own spiritual health and the glory of God.”

She envisions having strong relationships with other students, receiving an education that is rooted in truth and growing in her faith.

“I believe I can find this at ̳,” Madison said.

The Founders’ Scholarship is Union’s highest academic scholarship. Recipients must maintain a 3.25 cumulative grade point average at Union and are required to perform up to 50 hours of leadership services for the university each semester.

Media contact: Tim Ellsworth, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215