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Dream Center in Jackson benefits from Union-hosted NITOC tournament

Union recently hosted the National Invitational Tournament of Champions and donated products left behind to the Dream Center in Jackson. (Photo by Jim Gandy)
Union recently hosted the National Invitational Tournament of Champions and donated products left behind to the Dream Center in Jackson. (Photo by Jim Gandy)

JACKSON, Tenn.June 14, 2024 — ̳ donated hundreds of dollars’ worth of household goods to the Dream Center in Jackson following the National Invitational Tournament of Champions the university hosted from May 27-June 1.

The Dream Center is a local Christian organization that provides housing for women and their children who have experienced crisis and/or loss, while preparing them to successfully re-enter the workforce.

“We are on a tight budget, and donations such as these help us take care of the needs of the ladies and children,” said Gail Gustafson, executive director for the Dream Center.

Union hosted about 600 competitors and their families for the national speech and debate tournament. It was the third time that Stoa, a national junior high and high school speech and debate league for privately educated Christian home schooling families, has held NITOC on Union’s campus.

For the tournament, families often purchased a variety of household goods to use during their time on campus, leaving them behind when they left. Union collected a variety of used items such as kitchenware, paper products, irons, bedding, air mattresses, hygiene items and nonperishable food, as well as new products bought specifically by NITOC families to donate.

“It’s always a pleasure for us to host NITOC and get to know so many talented students and their families,” said Dan Griffin, Union’s vice president for enrollment management. “The tournament was not only a chance for students to compete, but also an opportunity for us to help give back to the Jackson community.”

More information about the Dream Center and how to donate is available at .

Media contact: Tim Ellsworth, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215