JACKSON, Tenn. — April 8, 2002 — The ̳ chapter of the International Justice Mission will host a “Cardboard City,” Friday, April 19.
Cardboard City is a fundraiser designed with two purposes: to raise money to help support the International Justice Mission and also to awaken its participants to the reality of poverty and the life that unfortunate others must endure. Its attendants will raise money by receiving pledges on the behalf of the community to spend the night in a cardboard box on the campus of ̳. Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, youth groups and other organizations have been invited to participate. “We want to help fund support efforts on the international level for underprivileged people,” said freshman IJM member Wayne Campbell.
The IJM is a non-profit organization founded on Biblical principles with the mission of bringing relief and rescue to those around the world that experience extreme abuse and injustice. The organization takes referrals from oversees missionaries and relief development workers and then works with national authorities to liberate those that are the focus of the reported oppression through avenues such as prayer, finances, and case studies.
Bands will most likely perform to help pass the time for the participants. For more information, contact Wayne Campbell at (731) 661-4538.