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Union’s Student Teacher Education Association wins awards

JACKSON, Tenn.April 25, 2002 — Members of Union’s Student Teacher’s Education Association (STEA) recently attended the annual statewide conference in Gatlinburg, Tenn., where they won third place in the Outstanding Chapter Division and placed second in Scrapbook Presentation.

The students work on projects throughout the year that they present at the annual conference.

“This is an opportunity to show what they are doing,” explained Carolyn Whaley, associate professor of education at Union. “The students worked hard throughout the year and were awarded for their outstanding performance at the conference.”

The Frank L. Wells Chapter of the Student Tennessee Education Association at Union is composed of education majors and minors who are preparing to teach. As a pre-professional counterpart of the National Education Association, it offers its members all the opportunities, responsibilities, and privileges of the NEA.

Media contact: Sara B. Horn, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215