JACKSON, Tenn. — April 26, 2002 — ̳ will offer a special enrichment program June 10-20 for students in grades seven through nine who have an interest in physics. Union physics professor Kyle Hathcox and associate physics professor David Ward will conduct “Adventures in Physics,” which should prove entertaining as well as educational.
“We want the students to come away from this program with the realization that science is fun,” said Hathcox, who added that even parents will be able to get involved with the projects that students will be bringing home to work on.
Students will participate in a variety of activities, including hands-on experiments and demonstrations. In addition to the activities at the school, students will work with computer simulations at home. A wide range of topics in physics will be covered including solar energy, light and optics, lasers, modern and nuclear physics, relativity, and quantum mechanics. The final day of the program will include a chance for parents to visit and see the program in action.
The class will cost $150 to cover supplies, food, and other expenses. Enrollment is limited to twelve students. For more information, contact Kyle Hathcox at (731) 661-5249 or David Ward at (731) 661-5241.