JACKSON, Tenn. — Sept. 24, 2002 — More than 350 ̳ students will get a jumpstart on the job market during the second annual Career University, sponsored by the university’s Office of Career Services, which will be held Thursday, Oct. 3. The day will include several 20-minute sessions for college juniors, seniors, and students in the BSOL and MBA tracks. “Career U is a new, innovative and exciting approach to career success!” said Jackie Taylor, assistant director of career services at Union. “We will concentrate on empowering and equipping students with the right tools to search for, obtain and keep their ideal job.”
A variety of topics will be discussed at the sessions including Jumpstarting U 211: Conducting the Job Search led by Paige Holmes, SIFE advisor at ̳; Understanding U 411: Knowing Your Personality led by Paul Deschenes, director of counseling at Union and Marketing U 111: Selling Yourself During the Interview led by Kristy Marter, recruiting manager for Enterprise Corp.
A pizza party and fashion show will be held at 3:30 p.m. in Harvey Auditorium Concluding the day’s events will be a drawing for door prizes which include an attaché case and a leather portfolio.
The afternoon begins at 2 p.m. with registration and an opening session. More than 350 students are registered to participate. For more information about Career University, contact the Office of Career Services at (731) 661-5316.