JACKSON, Tenn. — Oct. 17, 2002 — ̳ will host Southern Baptist Convention President Jack Graham when he speaks in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel Wednesday, October 23 at 10 a.m. His address is titled “The Heart of Worship.”
Graham is currently pastor of Prestonwood Baptist, one of the largest congregations in the nation, with a membership of more than 20,000. His church has experienced vibrant growth under Graham’s leadership since 1989. His gift for exciting people about Christ and helping them mature as Christians has poured out into his work not only as a pastor, but as the leader of the largest evangelical church network in the world – the Southern Baptist Convention, an association of some 40,000 autonomous churches.
Graham lives in Frisco, Texas, with his wife and ministry partner, Deb. The Grahams have three children: Jason (married to Toby), Kelly, and Joshua.
The community is invited to attend. For more information regarding upcoming chapel speakers, contact the university’s office of campus ministries at (731) 661-5062.