JACKSON, Tenn. — Nov. 7, 2002 — Kina Mallard, chair of the Department of Communication Arts and director of faculty development at ̳, recently received the Bright Idea Recognition Award from the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education. She received this award at an annual conference in Atlanta, Ga. on October 12 for her entry titled “Department Chairs Collegium: Sharing the Vision of Faculty Development.”
The award is given to those who have implemented new and creative ideas for instructional, faculty, or organizational development. Winners are then asked to share their ideas and concepts at the conference and each recipient is awarded a trophy at the awards banquet.
The Bright Idea Award gives recognition to those with creative ideas in a variety of categories, including teaching and learning, workshops, seminars, conferences and organizational development. Idea submissions are evaluated by the award committee and originality, impact and cost and time effectiveness are taken into account.