JACKSON, Tenn. — Feb. 27, 2003 — James Sire will lead ̳’s Scholar-in-Residence Lectures Feb. 27 –March 11. The series, “Habits of Worldview Thinking,” will focus on the importance of developing a Christian worldview.
Sire, former senior editor of InterVarsity Press, has lectured in over two hundred universities and colleges worldwide. He is the author of Discipleship of the Mind: Learning to Love God in the Ways We Think; The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog; and Habits of the Mind: Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling.
“Dr. Sire is an important thinker in today’s world,” said Randall Bush, professor of Christian studies and philosophy at Union. “His work on the importance of a Christian worldview exemplifies what we emphasize at Union by the integration of faith and learning.”
Sire will lecture on the topic “Naming the Elephant that Holds up the World” Thursday, Feb. 27, at 12:15 p.m. On Monday, March 3, at 12:00 p.m., his topic will be “Worldview: A Matter of the Heart.”
“Valclav Havel and Moral Responsibility in Politics” is the topic for Wednesday, March 5, at 12:00 p.m., and the series will conclude Tuesday, March 11, 12:15 p.m. with “The Virtues of the Intellect.”
Each lecture will be presented in the Coburn Dining Room on the campus of ̳. The dining hall will be open for lunch at 11:30 a.m. each lecture day for those wishing to eat in the cafeteria. A question and answer period will follow each lecture.
For more information, contact Randall Bush at (731) 661-5271.