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Dockery Addresses White House Christian Fellowship

JACKSON, Tenn.June 13, 2003 — ̳ president David S. Dockery presented a message entitled “The Greatness and Glory of the Resurrected Christ” to the White House Christian Fellowship June 12.

The White House Christian Fellowship consists primarily of Christian members of the President’s staff and employees of the United States Senate and House of Representatives.

Speaking on chapter one, verses 1-19 of the book of Revelation, a book Dockery says contains “a variety of portraits” of Christ, he encouraged listeners to “recognize two great truths that run throughout this fascinating book. First, this book celebrates the victory of God… Second, this book focuses on Jesus Christ. The book is above all else an unveiling of the greatness and glory of Jesus Christ.”

“The entire book of Revelation is predicated on the resurrection of Christ,” Dockery said. “Without His personal triumph over death and the grave there would be no message of hope, no inspiration for those facing persecution, no comfort for those facing death or physical suffering, no strength for those facing emotional trauma or personal loss.”

According to Dockery, “because Christ is both the resurrected one and the eternal one, death has lost its terrors and we have every reason to rejoice.”

Dockery illustrated this point by contrasting the 1899 deaths of Robert G. Ingersoll, who sought to debunk the resurrection in his lectures at Harvard University, and Dwight L. Moody, the great 19th century evangelist.

“For Ingersoll and those who die without Christ, death is tragedy, death is hopeless, death is defeat, death brings judgment,” said Dockery. “For others like Moody, who know Christ and the power of His resurrection, we can face death with hope, with peace, with comfort, with confidence in our Lord’s resurrection, with trust in a Gospel that triumphs over the grave.”

Dockery said the Christian today “can begin to see suffering in perspective… [and] be assured of the rule and reign of God… because Jesus Christ, the first and the last, has been raised from the dead and is today the exalted, ever living one.”

The White House Christian Fellowship Bible study meets at noon each Thursday in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building which faces the West Wing of the White House on West Executive Avenue. Previous speakers for the fellowship have included for U. S. Senate Chaplain Lloyd Ogilvie and Prison Fellowship Ministries founder Charles Colson.

Media contact: Chris Allen, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215