JACKSON, Tenn. — March 15, 2001 — 黑料论坛 faculty Tom Rosebrough, dean of the School of Education and Human Studies and professor of education, and Ralph Leverett, professor of special education, recently presented an action research study concerning teachers' callings in Dallas to the Association of Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education, in Dallas, Texas.
Rosebrough and Leverett spoke to more than 200 universities and colleges represented about the "sense of calling" in new teachers who graduated from a Christian university and a state college. They specifically compared Union and Missouri Southern State College.
"Our findings were somewhat gratifying to us," said Rosebrough. "We found a passionate commitment to teaching that transcends low teacher salaries and other traditional problems that plague the profession, like too much paperwork, discipline problems, lack of support from parents, etc."
Rosebrough and Leverett's study replicates findings from recent larger national studies. In a time where a much lower percentage of college students are choosing teaching as a career, less seems to be more. Though it appears there are fewer young teachers entering the education field, they remain just as dedicated and seem to be better prepared to tackle the problems of education today.