JACKSON, Tenn. — March 29, 2001 — James Sire will address the Mars Hill Forum on Monday, April 2 from 12 – 1 p.m. in ̳’s Coburn Dining Room on the subject, "Habits of the Mind", the title of his latest book from InterVarsity Press. Sire will speak on the issue of the intellectual habits that Christians must develop as a part of their discipleship.
Sire is most well known for his book on worldviews, “The Universe Next Door.” He also served for many years on the staff of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship where he worked largely with graduate students in secular colleges and universities.
"James Sire was addressing issues of central concern to Christians in secular settings at a time when they needed encouragement the most,” said Greg Thornbury, assistant professor of Christian studies. “Evangelicals in Christian higher education are thrilled to hear James Sire speak to the importance of the Christian college setting. ̳ is delighted to have such a distinguished evangelical thinker on our campus in both chapel and the Mars Hill Forum."
For more information on the Mars Hill Forum, contact Thornbury at (901) 661-5082.