JACKSON, Tenn. — April 20, 2001 — Students at ̳ have been given the opportunity to learn proper dinner etiquette by attending the “Eating Etiquette—The Dinner Interview,” April 26 at 6 p.m. in the President’s Dining Room located in Coburn Dining Hall.
Which fork is for the salad, which is for the spaghetti? These are just a few of the questions that will be answered during the event. Traditionally difficult food to eat will be served in order to prepare students for potential job interviews done across the table.
“Without etiquette you limit your potential, risk your image, and jeopardize your relationships that are fundamental to your success,” said Lynn Gneagy, director of the Office of Career Services, who is coordinating the event. “The bottom line is good etiquette pays off,” said Jacqueline Taylor, assistant director of Career Services.
The event is also sponsored by the Student Government Association. For more information, contact Lynn Gneagy at (731) 661-5302.