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‘Tartuffe’ runs through Oct. 18

Aaron Shepherd (right) plays the role of Tartuffe and Melissa Miller plays Elmire in the Union University Players' production of "Tartuffe," which opens tonight. (Photo by Kathleen Murray)
Aaron Shepherd (right) plays the role of Tartuffe and Melissa Miller plays Elmire in the ̳ Players' production of "Tartuffe," which opens tonight. (Photo by Kathleen Murray)
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JACKSON, Tenn.Oct. 13, 2005 — The ̳ Players will present Moliere’s “Tartuffe” in the university’s W.D. Powell Theater beginning Oct. 13.

Darren Michael, Union theater professor and play director, said “Tartuffe” is “slapstick and loony but with serious stuff on how not to judge people. It’s good for the whole family.”

Michael added that “Tartuffe” mocks religious hypocrites and ridicules the characters displaying how “real Christians” should act. Moliere often wrote with the idea of making fun of the hypocritical, which the people of his time did not like. However, the royalty loved him, so he continued producing his works and was not bothered.

Show dates for “Tartuffe” are Oct. 13-18 at 8:00 p.m. nightly, except for Oct. 16, which will be a 2:30 p.m. matinee.

Tickets are $4 for students and $7 for general admission.

For more information or to order tickets, call ̳’s box office at (731) 661-5105.

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10/10/05 - Darren Michael, assistant professor of theatre, talks to his cast a few days before the premiere of <i>Tartuffe</i>.
10/10/05 - Darren Michael, assistant professor of theatre, talks to his cast a few days before the premiere of Tartuffe. - Kathleen Murray | Large | X-Large

Media contact: Tim Ellsworth, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215