Music Photos
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12/14/24 | 31163 | XL
Kobi Mosely, commercial music major, receives his bachelor's degree from President Oliver. - Karley Hathcock
3/3/24 | 31108 | XL
Union music students perform at a Night of Worship at Fellowship Bible Church. - Kristi McMurry Woody
12/7/23 | 31032 | XL
Ryan Cipkowski and Owen Westbrooks perform at a Union Christmas. - Karley Hathcock
11/7/23 | 31084 | XL
Members of the University Singers perform during their fall concert. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/19/23 | 31054 | XL
John Woolson (tuba), Brianna Rogers (trumpet), and Colton Judd (percussion) play in the Symphonic Band's fall concert. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/19/23 | 31059 | XL
Colton Judd plays the percussion during the Symphonic Band's fall concert. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/19/23 | 31058 | XL
Anna Guelcher plays the oboe during the Symphonic Band's fall concert. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/17/23 | 31052 | XL
The Worship Choir leads in worship during their fall concert. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/17/23 | 31047 | XL
Members of the Chamber Worship Ensemble 1 (Sarah Grace Patrick, Katie McDonnel, Sara Besse, Meg McGaha, Christian Wade, and Hunter Cupples) lead in worship during the fall Worship Choir concert. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/26/23 | 30953 | XL
The Symphony Orchestra performed music that included Beethoven's Symphony #7 in A Major and selections from Pirates of the Caribbean by Klaus Badelt. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/26/23 | 30949 | XL
The Symphony Orchestra performed music that included Beethoven's Symphony #7 in A Major and selections from Pirates of the Caribbean by Klaus Badelt. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/27/23 | 30823 | XL
Andrew Richardson and Isaac Reid perform in the Opera Workshop's production of "The Bartered Bride." - Abigail Aspinwall
3/27/23 | 30820 | XL
Jamin Sinclair-Lee, Averee Dunivan, and Andrew Richardson perform in the Opera Workshop's production of "The Bartered Bride." - Abigail Aspinwall
3/27/23 | 30819 | XL
The student cast performs in the Opera Workshop's production of "The Bartered Bride." Front row: Sebastian Woods, Isaac Reid, Micah Lilyquist, Landon Stoub, Andrew Richardson, and Alex Henry. Back row: Jamin Sinclair-Lee, Katie Ryder, Averee Dunivan, Maren Taylor, and LeAnne Dudley - Abigail Aspinwall
3/27/23 | 30817 | XL
Steven Leatherwood and LeAnne Dudley perform in the Opera Workshop's production of "The Bartered Bride." - Abigail Aspinwall
12/8/22 | 30703 | XL
Union students and faculty perform during the annual A Union Christmas concert. - Kristi McMurry Woody
11/16/22 | 30689 | XL
Union students utilize Union's new commercial music recording studio, located in Jennings Hall. - Suzanne Rhodes
9/24/22 | 30651 | XL
Alumnus Bill Smith plays a trumpet solo at the Stage Band Reunion Performance during Union's bicentennial kick-off celebration. - Suzanne Rhodes
9/23/22 | 30629 | XL
Union students, faculty and alumni gather together for a special jazz band reunion performance during Union's bicentennial celebration program. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/9/22 | 30599 | XL
Chris Stano, Union worship leadership major, kicks off the groundbreaking ceremony to begin construction on a 40,000-square-foot academic building that will house the McAfee School of Business and the departments of computer science and engineering. - Suzanne Rhodes
4/29/22 | 30493 | XL
The symphonic band and symphony orchestra perform a special concert called, "Night at the Movies." - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/19/22 | 30455 | XL
Lucas Brogdon shares his senior presentation, "The Abyss and the Canyon: An Analytical Comparison Messiaen鈥檚 of 'Ab卯me des oiseaux' and 'Appel Interstellaire'." - Lyla Dietz
3/13/22 | 30417 | XL
Anna Claire Adams performs during the annual Night of Worship at Englewood Baptist Church. - Kristi McMurry Woody