Sociology & Family Studies Photos
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11/8/23 | 31089 | XL
Phil Davignon, chair and associate professor of sociology, speaks to students on identity and character during a chapel service. - Abigail Aspinwall
3/13/20 | 29437 | XL
Phil Davignon, professor of sociology and department chair, teaches a seminar class in the Logos. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/7/16 | 26674 | XL
Students take notes during the Immigration: Church & Community Mobilization workshop hosted by the language, sociology and social work departments. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/30/15 | 25246 | XL
Phil Davignon, assistant professor of sociology, speaks on "Marital Conflict: The Fight Over Marriage and Its Implications for Families, Children and Society" at the Town and Gown lecture series. - Amanda Rohde
4/16/14 | 23277 | XL
Nina Heckler, assistant professor of sociology and department chair, leads the Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society meeting. - MiKalla Cotton
5/3/13 | 22134 | XL
David S. Dockery, president of the university, presents Molly Priddy with a Who's Who award at Awards Day. - Morris Abernathy
5/3/13 | 22137 | XL
Nina Heckler, assistant professor of sociology and department chair, presents Amanda Routledge with the academic excellence medal in family studies. - Jacob Moore
4/25/13 | 22119 | XL
Rachel Ryan, adjunct sociology professor, holds a discussion with her class in Barefoots Joe. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/19/13 | 22107 | XL
Nina Heckler, associate professor of sociology and department chair, listens with her students to a guest speaker in Social Deviance class. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/11/11 | 17559 | XL
Roman Williams, assistant professor of sociology, chats with Matt Arnold, sophomore Christian studies major. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/7/10 | 15629 | XL
Roman Williams, assistant professor of sociology, teaches a class. - Morris Abernathy
5/17/08 | 9616 | XL
Allison Hays, public relations/advertising major, and Jessica Ramsay, family studies major, have a laugh in the Fred Delay gymnasium while waiting for graduation to begin. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/05 | 3304 | XL
Sophomore Michael Yzaguirre, sociology major, trains at the Jackson Boxing Club during his free time. - Jonathan Blair
11/12/03 | 1719 | XL
Junior Jolene Shank visits the Welfare Office during a Life in the State of Poverty Simulation hosted by Union's social work program. - Justin Veneman
8/24/02 | 309 | XL
Senior Social Work major Wendy Wiltshire informs new students about LIFE groups during Freshman Move-In. - Kristen Hiller