5/18/19 | 29027 | XL
Tamara Friesen, digital media communications, receives her diploma during spring commencement. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/23/19 | 28938 | XL
Ben Dubis, digital media communications major, gives his presentation during the annual Scholarship Symposium. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/10/18 | 28255 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts, and Cam Tracy, web development agent, present awards to student filmmakers at the annual Student Film Festival. - Janelle Vest
5/5/17 | 27594 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, recognizes academic excellence medal winner Elizabeth Wilson, senior digital media communications major. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/4/17 | 27489 | XL
Alex Russell, sophomore digital media communications major, answers questions about the film he directed at the Student Film Festival. - Morgan Morfe
4/3/17 | 27485 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication Arts professor and coordinator of DMS, introduces student directors at the Student Film Festival. - Morgan Morfe
5/21/16 | 26881 | XL
Victor Miller, digital media studies graduate, walks back to his seat after receiving his diploma at spring commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/21/16 | 26865 | XL
Chris Hare, digital media studies graduate, scratches the chin of the Buster the Bulldog statue as he walks toward the Great Lawn for spring commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/21/16 | 26873 | XL
David Parks, digital media communications graduate, receives his diploma from Dub Oliver, president of the university, during spring commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/26/16 | 26685 | XL
Chris Hare, senior digital media studies major, discusses HTML code during his Scholarship Symposium presentation on SVGs and CSS3 animations. - David Parks
4/26/16 | 26733 | XL
Josh Stephans, senior digital media communications major, asks a question during a Scholarship Symposium presentation. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/29/16 | 26532 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, speaks briefly between films during the 2016 Union Student Film Festival Awards and Screenings. - David Parks
3/29/16 | 26533 | XL
Cam Tracy, web development agent, interviews Josh Stephens, senior digital media studies major, during the 2016 Union Student Film Festival Awards & Screening. - David Parks
3/29/16 | 26535 | XL
Long-form film, The Garden by Christian Al-Hagal is screened during the 2016 Union Student Film Festival in Barefoots Joe. - David Parks
3/29/16 | 26536 | XL
2016 Union Film Festival hosts Abigail Duke, senior public relations major, and Garyn McIntyre, senior theatre major, congratulate Riley Strong, freshman digital media communications major, on her award at the Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks
3/29/16 | 26537 | XL
Christian Al-Hagal, sophomore theatre major, steps on the stage to receive best original score award for his film The Garden during the Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks
3/29/16 | 26538 | XL
Josh Stephens, senior digital media studies major, happily accepts best editing award for his film Jean Marie at the 2016 Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks
3/29/16 | 26539 | XL
Sam Jones, junior digital media major, receives best screenplay award for his film Reunion at the 2016 Union Student Film Festival. - David Parks
3/28/16 | 26649 | XL
Cam Tracy, web development agent, talks with two students involved in making "Love Me Tinder" during the Union Student Film Festival. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/28/16 | 26650 | XL
Sam Jones, junior digital media communications major, talks about his film "Reunion" after a screening at the Union Student Film Festival. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/24/16 | 26358 | XL
David Parks, senior digital media communications major, cues the anchor for a segment on Jackson 24/7. - Kristi McMurry Woody
12/12/15 | 26187 | XL
Peyton Penuel, digital media studies graduate, celebrates as he walks to get his diploma during fall commencement services. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/16/15 | 25390 | XL
Elizabeth Fletcher, digital media studies graduate, joyfully receives her diploma from Dub Oliver, president of the university, at the spring commencement services. - David Parks
4/15/14 | 23273 | XL
Caleb Shore, junior broadcast journalism major, receives an award for his work on the long-form film "Paradigm" at the 11th Annual Union Student Film Festival hosted by James Watlington, junior media communications major, and Sam Jones, freshman digital media studies major. - Amanda Rohde
4/15/14 | 23274 | XL
Josh Stephens, junior digital media studies major, accepts seven total awards for his short film "Hunter" at the 11th Annual Union Student Film Festival. - Amanda Rohde
2/24/14 | 23217 | XL
From left, seniors Daniel Young,Tommy Woods and Ethan Smith take notes during a digital media studies seminar held by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. - Jacob Moore
2/24/14 | 23219 | XL
Ethan Smith, senior digital media studies major, looks through sample resumes during a digital media studies seminar held by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. - Jacob Moore
11/5/13 | 22683 | XL
Luke Pennington, junior digital media studies major, participates in Campus and Community Day by going to Alexander Elementary school and doing yard work. - Matt McDaniel
4/30/13 | 22052 | XL
Claire Bassford, senior digital media studies major, presents on her experimentation with creating a responsive website during the 10th annual Scholarship Symposium. - Jacob Moore
4/10/13 | 21678 | XL
Zac McMillan, junior intercultural studies major, finishes a report from the red carpet at the Student Film Festival with co-host James Watlington, sophomore media communications major. - Jacob Moore
4/9/13 | 21679 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, laughs with the crowd while hosts at the Student Film Festival crack jokes in between giving out awards. - Jacob Moore
4/9/13 | 21676 | XL
James Watlington, sophomore media communications major and co-host of the Student Film Festival, interviews the cast and crew of "That's How It's Done" on the red carpet outside Barefoots Joe. - Jacob Moore
12/15/12 | 21268 | XL
Treasure M. Hightower, digital media studies graduate, accepts her diploma during Fall Commencement. - Jacob Moore
10/4/12 | 21031 | XL
SAC president Jeff Thompson, senior digital media studies major, introduces himself to Former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates during a reception before the 15th Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Anne Richoux
9/14/12 | 20875 | XL
Ben Wright, junior digital media studies major, edits a video project for Barefoots Joe in the edit suite. - Jacob Moore
8/28/12 | 21298 | XL
Students enjoy using new computers in the Digital Media Studies lab. - Kristi McMurry Woody
8/28/12 | 21299 | XL
Students get acquainted with the new computers in the DMS lab at the beginning of the Fall 2012 semester. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/17/12 | 20572 | XL
Cam Tracy, web development agent, teaches a digital media studies class. - Jacob Moore
4/17/12 | 20573 | XL
Students listen intently during a web applications class. - Jacob Moore
3/29/12 | 20027 | XL
Danielle Sumler, sophomore DMS major, stands in the SUB hallway for a 3D art project. - Zac Calvert
3/29/12 | 20030 | XL
Lindsey Howerton, sophomore DMS major, describes her 3D art project to Union students by the fountain. - Zac Calvert
3/29/12 | 20028 | XL
Abigail Winters, sophomore DMS major, describes her 3D art project on texture to her classmates. - Zac Calvert
10/28/11 | 18861 | XL
Treasure Hightower, senior digital media studies major, plays with the drum line at the Lady Bulldog soccer game against Trevecca Nazarene University. - Anne Richoux
8/20/11 | 18171 | XL
Chris Blair, associate professor of communication arts, talks with new student during Dinner with your Department in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Deanna Santangelo
5/21/11 | 17677 | XL
Ryan Oetting, digital media studies graduate, receives his degree at spring graduation. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/11/10 | 15657 | XL
Ashlin Woodard, junior special education major, Libby Parks, junior nursing major, and Katie Cooper, sophomore dms major, cheer on their friends at an intramural flag football game. - Victoria Stargel
8/30/10 | 15621 | XL
Nicole McCoy, senior digital media studies major, studies outside the P.A.C. on a gorgeous Fall day. - Morris Abernathy
5/8/10 | 13861 | XL
Ryan Oetting, dms major, presents a paper plate award to Jill Brown, french major, for her work in a one act play with the Union Theatre. - Ryan Oetting
4/12/10 | 13793 | XL
Ryan Griffin, junior digital media studies major, presents his poster during Graphic Design II. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/12/10 | 13795 | XL
A.J. Shelby, sophomore digital media studies major, presents his poster for the student film "The Storm" during his Graphic Design II class. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/12/10 | 13852 | XL
Cam Tracy, web development agent, and Mary Annis, senior digital media studies major, discuss her short film "Alice's Adventures in Art School" at the 2010 Union Film Festival. - Ryan Oetting
4/12/10 | 13853 | XL
Cam Tracy, web development agent, interviews Beth Spain, junior journalism major, about her documentaries at the 2010 Student Film Festival. - Ryan Oetting
4/12/10 | 13854 | XL
Dr. Chris Blair, associate professor of communication arts and dms coordinator, interviews Rachael Kapavik, senior digital media studies major, about her short film "Thanks for the Tip" at the 2010 Student Film Festival. - Ryan Oetting
3/12/10 | 13760 | XL
Ryan Oetting, junior digital media studies, takes a picture during a trip to Nashville to tour advertising agencies. - Kristi McMurry Woody
12/12/09 | 12461 | XL
Wagner Oliveira, DMS-Art graduate, and Amanda Middleton, Art graduate, practice shaking hands with President Dockery before Union's fall graduation ceremony begins. - Beth Spain
10/12/09 | 12149 | XL
Rob Simpson, sophomore DMS major, shows his fellow AIGA members a design for a t-shirt and it's placement on the shirt. AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) is an organization where students can network with the graphic design community through the Union chapter. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/12/09 | 12150 | XL
Rob Simpson, sophomore DMS major, shows his fellow AIGA members a design for a t-shirt. AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) is an organization where students can network with the graphic design community through the Union chapter. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/12/09 | 12152 | XL
Katherine Crutcher, Kristen Marks, both sophomore art majors, and Allison Little, junior DMS major, look through sample designs from a recent graphic design conference during their AIGA meeting. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/12/09 | 12154 | XL
Mary Annis, senior DMS major, talks to her fellow AIGA members about a recent AIGA conference that she attended. AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) is an organization where students can network with the graphic design community through the Union chapter. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/12/09 | 12155 | XL
Members of Union's AIGA chapter meet and chat about various design samples from a recent design conference. AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) is an organization where students can network with the graphic design community through the Union chapter. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/12/09 | 12156 | XL
Kristen Marks, sophomore art major, Rob Simpson, sophomore dms major, and Katy Pope, senior art major, review design samples from a recent conference during their AIGA student meeting. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/10/09 | 13858 | XL
Rob Alvey, sophomore art major, reviews postcards while junior DMS major Allison Little presents her graphic design project. - Ryan Oetting
9/9/09 | 11639 | XL
Jared Carpenter, junior DMS major, completes a drawing of an art statue in the grove during Chris Nadaskay's Drawing I class. - Beth Spain
5/23/09 | 11274 | XL
Digital media studies graduate Casey Yates listens as President Dockery gives closing remarks during spring graduation on Saturday, May 23, 2009. - Beth Spain
3/6/09 | 10879 | XL
Wagner Oliviera, senior DMS art major, presents his design for the annual literary magazine The Torch. Staff members from The Torch reviewed each design and will select one student to design the magazine. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/5/09 | 10869 | XL
Colby Stinebaugh, freshman DMS art major, explains his space project in his 3-dimensional design class. He placed a camera in the hall to unite the space in the hall with the space in the room. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/5/09 | 10870 | XL
Allison Little, sophomore DMS art major, displays her 3-dimensional space project - herself. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/19/08 | 9642 | XL
Alan Knox and William Calvert look at the work of graphic designers around the area at the annual Addy awards. Both students won student awards at this event. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/19/08 | 9643 | XL
Kat Douglas, senior art major, and Alan Knox, senior DMS major, look at the graphic design work of people in the area at the annual Addy awards. Both students won awards at this event. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/19/08 | 9644 | XL
Brian Burns, senior DMS major, recieves an award at the annual Addy awards held at the DoubleTree hotel. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/19/08 | 9645 | XL
Seniors Will Calvert, Brian Burns, Kat Douglas and Alan Knox talk about their awards after the annual Addy awards. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/19/08 | 9646 | XL
Seniors Kat Douglas, Alan Knox, Brian Burns and Will Calvert pose behind their Addy awards which they received for graphic design, photography and videography. - Kristi McMurry Woody
8/25/07 | 8221 | XL
Junior Kieler Henry, DMS major, takes a break from the heat and helping move in to get some water provided by the SGA. - Matthew Diggs
5/19/07 | 7380 | XL
Jande Jackson prays with other members of the class of 2007 during spring graduation on Union's Great Lawn. Jackson is a digital media studies graduate from Franklin, Tenn. - Morris Abernathy
5/19/07 | 7364 | XL
DMS graduate Aaron Hardin looks toward the future after the spring 2007 graduation ceremony. - Kyle Kurlick
3/2/07 | 7048 | XL
Drew Winter, digital media studies major, listens in his own way to Betty Benson, an interpreter for the deaf, during class. He and other deaf members of the community do not let their disability stop them from living life. Interpreters are available to communicate in public locations. - Stephanie Schroeder
12/16/06 | 6758 | XL
Carl Schulz, digital media studies graduate, has a little fun while lining up for the fall graduation ceromony. - Matthew Diggs
12/16/06 | 6754 | XL
Amy Pfost, digital media studies graduate, celebrates by chewing on her academic excellence medal after fall graduation. - Kyle Kurlick
12/1/06 | 7433 | XL
Senior DMS Major Aaron Hardin veiws April Wright's senior show in the art gallery. - Beth Spain
5/1/06 | 5314 | XL
Senior Bill Dixon, digital media studies major, explains the process he went through to create his portfolio website during the Scholarship Symposium. - Heather Phillips
5/1/06 | 5316 | XL
Senior Brad Moore, digital media studies major, explains the intricacies of his personal portfolio website during the Scholarship Symposium. - Heather Phillips
9/14/05 | 5584 | XL
Aaron Hardin and Pepper Sidhom interview Jordan Woodruff during one of their first episodes of UBuzz. - Heather Phillips
8/29/05 | 5513 | XL
Chris Blair, associate professor of communication arts and coordinator of digital media studies, talks with Drew Rhodes during New Student Orientation. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
5/21/05 | 3176 | XL
Digital media studies graduate Tyler Malone pauses for reflection during invocation of spring graduation. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
5/21/05 | 3125 | XL
Digital media studies graduate Lauren Ormsby examines the layout of her degree at spring graduation. - Brad Moore
5/13/05 | 3462 | XL
Greenwood, a band formed five years ago by five students at 黑料论坛, play their final concert at Union, before relocating to Maryland. DMS graduate Tyler Malone, bassist, rips into the base line, while lead singer Art Wong strums on his acoustic guitar. - Kathleen Murray
5/13/05 | 3468 | XL
DMS major Tyler Malone reverently plays his bass guitar during a song in Greenwood's final concert at Union. - Kathleen Murray
5/6/05 | 3457 | XL
Lisa Whiffen talks with Senior DMS major Adam Houston during his senior graphic design show in the art gallery. - Jonathan Blair
5/6/05 | 3460 | XL
DMS Coordinator Chris Blair talks with Senior DMS major Adam Houston during his senior graphic design show in the Art Gallery. Adam was the first DMS major to do a gallery show in addition to his senior seminar project. - Jonathan Blair
5/6/05 | 3461 | XL
Senior DMS major Adam Houston fields questions about his work at his senior graphic design show in the Art Gallery. - Jonathan Blair
5/1/05 | 3031 | XL
C&C Photo Story: Tyler Malone prepares for his pinhole camera selfportrait image by steadying a matted frame to encompass his likeness. - Kathleen Murray
4/10/05 | 3026 | XL
C&C Photo Story: Malone finishes his photo shoot with senior Lauren Ormsby, digital media studies major, by carrying props used in his final printed image. - Kathleen Murray
4/1/05 | 3260 | XL
Professional photographer Tom Fox gives a lecture on nature photography to Union photography students. - Jim Veneman
4/1/05 | 3259 | XL
Professional photographer Tom Fox gives a lecture on nature photography to Union photography students. - Jonathan Blair
11/20/04 | 2766 | XL
Cindy Keegan shares the idea and process behind her sculpture. Tyler Malone will photograph multiple art students like Keegan for his Undergraduate Research Grant. - Jonathan Blair
11/20/04 | 2768 | XL
Senior Tyler Malone, DMS major, shows Cindy Keegan the ideas he has drawn out for her portrait. - Jonathan Blair
11/20/04 | 2767 | XL
Junior Cindy Keegan, art major, and senior Tyler Malone, DMS major, discuss a future
portrait to be made of Keegan for Malone鈥檚 Undergraduate Research Grant during the spring semester. - Jonathan Blair
11/10/04 | 2645 | XL
Sophomore digital media studies major Tyson Cadenhead washes a van at Birth Choice during Day of Remembrance. - Amanda Herron
11/8/04 | 2690 | XL
Seniors Eric Murrell and Patrick Myers contemplate their time-travel experience as senior Trae Cadenhead films the most recent episode of UBuzz, "The Darkofly Aspect." - Jonathan Blair