7/26/21 |
30030 |
Trenton Holloway, coordinator for the Vocatio Center, goes over the resources they offer to students. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

7/26/21 |
30031 |
Trenton Holloway, coordinator for the Vocatio Center, goes over the resources they offer to students. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

2/23/21 |
29789 |
Company representatives chat with students during the Career Fair. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

2/23/21 |
29790 |
Company representatives fill the Grant Center to talk to students during the Career Fair. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

2/23/21 |
29788 |
Matt Schultz, business major, participates in the Career Fair. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

3/10/20 |
29427 |
Kathryn Mascolo, interdisciplinary studies major, talks to recruiters at the Education Expo in the Grant Events Center. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

3/10/20 |
29428 |
Shelby Titsworth, interdisciplinary studies major, chats with a recruiter during the Education Expo. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

3/10/20 |
29429 |
Students talk with recruiters during the Education Expo hosted by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

3/10/20 |
29430 |
Cameron Burgin, mathematics major, talks to recruiters during the Education Expo. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

2/19/19 |
28863 |
Students talk with local business representatives during the Vocatio Center's career fair. -
Nikki Grim

2/19/19 |
28864 |
Students talk with local business representatives during the Vocatio Center's career fair. -
Nikki Grim

2/8/19 |
28860 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, associate director for student success, leads a nursing seminar for the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. -
Hannah Heckart

11/9/18 |
28754 |
English alumni sit on a panel for the Vocatio Center's seminar for English majors. -
Riley Boggs

10/26/18 |
28623 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, associate director for student success in the Vocatio Center, leads a seminar for teacher interns. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

10/10/18 |
28584 |
Alex Huguenard, director for the Vocatio Center, leads a seminar on opportunities for computer science majors. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

9/19/18 |
28488 |
Alex Huguenard, director for the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career, leads a Backpack to Briefcase seminar. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

9/17/18 |
28500 |
Esperanza Gonzalez (right), associate director for student success, helps a student with her resume during Walk-in Monday in the Vocatio Center. -
Lynn Tucker

9/17/18 |
28501 |
Matt Bowman, employer relations and recruitment manager, helps a student with her resume during Walk-in Monday in the Vocatio Center. -
Lynn Tucker

8/29/18 |
28434 |
Breanne Vailes, programming coordinator for the Vocatio Center, leads a seminar in Harvey Auditorium. -
Lynn Tucker

8/23/18 |
28422 |
Esperanza Gonzalez (right), associate director for student success, leads a Vocatio Center seminar for nursing majors. -
Riley Boggs

3/12/18 |
28217 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, associate director for student success, speaks to a group of psychology majors about their career goals. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

3/8/18 |
28171 |
Chandler Clark, mathematics major, talks with representatives of area businesses during the annual College to Career event hosted by the Vocatio Center. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

3/8/18 |
28172 |
Students mingle with representatives from area businesses to build connections during the annual College to Career event hosted by the Vocatio Center. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

3/8/18 |
28173 |
Amanda Leatherwood, physical education and health major, meets reps from area businesses during the College to Career fair hosted by the Vocatio Center, -
Kristi McMurry Woody

3/8/18 |
28174 |
Jordan Randles, Christian studies major, talks with area business representatives during College to Career. This annual event gives students a chance to make meaningful career connections. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

2/22/18 |
28121 |
Breanne Vailes, programming director for the Vocatio Center, helps social work students prepare for post-graduation life. -
Janelle Vest

2/16/18 |
28095 |
Nursing students pass out packets for a seminar with the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

2/16/18 |
28096 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, associate director for student success in the Vocatio Center, leads a seminar for nursing seniors. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

10/27/17 |
27910 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, associate director for student success, gives a presentation to student teachers. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

10/27/17 |
27911 |
Education students listen to a presentation by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

10/27/17 |
27912 |
Education students listen to a presentation by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

10/26/17 |
27898 |
Representatives from companies offering internships to college students chat before the Vocatio Center's summer internship fair. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

10/26/17 |
27899 |
Hannah Shea, biology major, chats with a representative at the summer internship fair hosted by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

5/12/17 |
27623 |
Students enjoy a Stress Free Friday in the Vocatio Center. -
Morgan Morfe

3/24/17 |
27479 |
A student listens as Alma Hernandez, employer relations and recruitment manager in the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career, gives a presentation about job options in the Computer Science field. -
Morgan Morfe

3/24/17 |
27478 |
Alma Hernandez, employer relations and recruitment manager in the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career, gives a presentation about job options in the Computer Science field. -
Morgan Morfe

11/10/16 |
27246 |
Alumni from the English department participate in a panel for a Vocatio seminar. The seminar was developed to help students who are looking for ways to use their degree in English. -
Elizabeth Wilson

10/24/16 |
27130 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, associate director at the Vocatio Center, assists a student during the Walk-in Monday Resum茅 review. -
Elizabeth Wilson

10/24/16 |
27131 |
During Vocatio Center's walk-in monday, Esperanza Gonzalez, associate director, assists a student with his resum茅 in preparation for graduation in the spring. -
Elizabeth Wilson

10/24/16 |
27132 |
Programming coordinator of Vocatio Center, Breanne Vailes, speaks to a student about the development of her resum茅 during the Walk-in Monday event. -
Elizabeth Wilson

10/24/16 |
27133 |
Alma Hernandez, employer relations & recruitment manager, assists a senior on his resum茅 during the Walk-in Monday resum茅 help event. -
Elizabeth Wilson

10/21/16 |
27128 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, associate director for student success in the Vocatio Center, gives a student teacher seminar. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

10/21/16 |
27129 |
Education majors and minors take notes during a student teacher seminar hosted by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

8/31/16 |
26983 |
Breanne Vailes, programming coordinator for the Vocatio Center, speaks to students at the Student Leadership Program (SLP) Orientation. -
Morgan Morfe

8/31/16 |
26984 |
Students listen intently at the Student Leadership Program orientation in Harvey Auditorium. -
Morgan Morfe

4/11/16 |
26625 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, programming coordinator/student success advocate, helps an undergraduate create a strong r茅sum茅 during the Vocatio Center's Walk-in Monday. -
David Parks

4/11/16 |
26626 |
Juniors Cara Lunsford, French and TESL major, and Angelica Shipps, public relations major, chat while waiting during the Vocatio Center's Walk-in Monday. -
David Parks

4/11/16 |
26627 |
Jacqueline Taylor, assistant dean of students & director of the Vocatio Center, works closely alongside an English student on his resume during Walk-in Monday. -
David Parks

4/11/16 |
26628 |
Alma Hernandez, graduate intern and peer success advocate, works with Brady Teague, senior Spanish major, during the Vocatio Center's Walk-in Monday. -
David Parks

4/11/16 |
26629 |
Breanne Vailes, programming coordinator for the Vocatio Center, goes over a r茅sum茅 checklist with an undergraduate during Walk-in Monday. -
David Parks

3/17/16 |
26522 |
Students meet and greet with employers at the Vocatio College to Career Fair in the Bowld Student Commons. -
MiKalla Cotton

3/17/16 |
26523 |
Hannah Chapman, senior TESL major, and Bethany Kindt, senior art major, talk with an employer representative during the Vocatio College to Career Fair in the Bowld Student Commons. -
MiKalla Cotton

3/17/16 |
26524 |
Students mingle with employers during the Vocatio College to Career Fair in the Bowld Student Commons. -
MiKalla Cotton

3/17/16 |
26525 |
Tori Cagle, senior elementary education major, speaks with an employer during the Vocatio College to Career Fair in the Bowld Student Commons. -
MiKalla Cotton

3/17/16 |
26526 |
Students circulate around the booths to discuss job opportunities during the Vocatio College to Career Fair in the Bowld Student Commons. -
MiKalla Cotton

2/29/16 |
26431 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, programming coordinator/student success advocate for the Vocatio Center, welcomes undergraduates to the Scholarships, Opportunities, Advantages, and Resources (S.O.A.R.) Orientation in the Bowld Student Commons. -
David Parks

2/29/16 |
26432 |
Juniors Marcellous Jiles, interdisciplinary studies major, and Dylan "Chandler" Pittman, biology major, listen to the S.O.A.R. Orientation in the Bowld Student Commons. -
David Parks

2/29/16 |
26433 |
Kevin Ung, Assistant Director of Union EDGE, persuades students to make the most of their undergraduate experience during the Vocatio Center's S.O.A.R. Orientation. -
David Parks

2/29/16 |
26434 |
Students receive applicable advice during the Vocatio Center's S.O.A.R. Orientation in the Bowld Student Commons. -
David Parks

2/29/16 |
26435 |
Alma Hernandez, graduate intern and peer success advocate for the Vocatio Center, addresses students at the S.O.A.R. Orientation. -
David Parks

2/29/16 |
26436 |
All attendees of the Vocatio Center's S.O.A.R. Orientation pose for a group photo in the Bowld Student Commons patio. -
David Parks

2/18/16 |
26298 |
Students read handouts during the Vocatio Center's senior social work seminar. -
MiKalla Cotton

2/18/16 |
26299 |
Quinlan Draper, senior social work major, reads a handout during the Vocatio Center's senior social work seminar. -
MiKalla Cotton

2/18/16 |
26300 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, programming coordinator/student success advocate for the Vocatio Center, speaks to social work seniors during a seminar. -
MiKalla Cotton

2/18/16 |
26301 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, programming coordinator/student success advocate for the Vocatio Center, speaks to social work seniors. -
MiKalla Cotton

10/13/15 |
25887 |
Jackie Taylor, assistent dean of students and director of Vocatio center, leads the PACE class. -
Elizabeth Wilson

10/13/15 |
25888 |
Jacqueline Taylor, assistent dean of students and director of Vocatio center, leads the PACE class. -
Elizabeth Wilson

10/13/15 |
25889 |
Jacqueline Taylor, assistent dean of students and director of Vocatio center, works with students during class. -
Elizabeth Wilson

9/24/15 |
25794 |
Jacqueline Taylor, assistant dean of students and director of the vocatio center, speaks about the historical and philosophical context of the movie "Selma," during one of the lectures of the Town and Gown series. -
Sol Bee Park

9/24/15 |
25795 |
Jacqueline Taylor, assistant dean of students and director of the vocatio center, speaks during one of the Town and Gown series focused on the civil rights movement. -
Sol Bee Park

9/18/15 |
25751 |
EDGE students enjoy some refreshments provided by the Vocatio Center during the Edge Student Reception. -
Sol Bee Park

9/18/15 |
25753 |
Jacqueline Taylor, assistant dean of students and director of the Vocation center for life calling and career, offers advice to students during the EDGE Student Reception. -
Sol Bee Park

8/31/15 |
25858 |
Jacqueline Taylor, director of the Vocatio Center, speaks to students during the Backpack to Briefcase event in the Penick Academic Complex. -
MiKalla Cotton

4/13/15 |
25054 |
Ben Burleson, programming coordinator of the Vocatio Center, helps Chris Boccarossa, junior engineering major, with his r茅sum茅 during Walk-In Monday. -
MiKalla Cotton

4/13/15 |
25055 |
Ben Burleson, programming coordinator of the Vocatio Center, discusses r茅sum茅 importances with Chris Boccarossa, junior engineering major, during the Vocatio Center's Walk-In Monday. -
MiKalla Cotton

4/13/15 |
25056 |
Esperanza Gonzalez, Vocatio Center secretary/student success advocate, begins to help Betsy Lopez, senior psychology major, with her r茅sum茅 during the Vocatio Center's Walk-In Monday. -
MiKalla Cotton

4/13/15 |
25058 |
Ben Burleson, programming coordinator of the Vocatio Center, discusses r茅sum茅 importances with Krista Erlandson, freshman physical education & health major, during the Vocatio Center's Walk-In Monday. -
MiKalla Cotton

3/26/15 |
25024 |
Hope Lewis, senior interdisciplinary studies and teaching and learning double major, talks with a representative at the teacher expo hosted by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. -
MiKalla Cotton

3/26/15 |
25025 |
Meredith Holden, senior English major, shakes hands with a representative during the Vocatio Center's teacher expo in the Carl Grant Events Center. -
MiKalla Cotton

3/26/15 |
25026 |
A representative talks with Doug May, senior music education major during the Vocatio Center's teacher expo in the Carl Grant Events Center. -
MiKalla Cotton

3/26/15 |
25027 |
Students discuss job opportunities with representatives during the teacher expo hosted by the Vocatio Center in the Carl Grant Events Center. -
MiKalla Cotton