8/19/24 |
31144 |
Students check out the new wellness center in the PAC during its dedication. -
Karley Hathcock

8/19/24 |
31143 |
President Oliver and Ivy-Marie Adkisson, director for campus recreation, cut the ribbon to officially open the new wellness center that is located in the old library space in the PAC. -
Karley Hathcock

11/11/23 |
31009 |
Union is home to the Jaxx, an ultimate frisbee team that competes at the club level and travels to different tournaments across the country. Here, Jaxx freshman Joseph Hinrichs catches a pass during their game against Samford. -
Lauren Steed

2/17/17 |
27376 |
Laura Villaflor, senior athletic training major, uses the new rowing machine in the wellness center. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

2/17/17 |
27377 |
Cooper Thompson, sophomore Christian ministry and missions major, spots Marcellous Jiles, junior interdisciplinary studies major, for a bench press in the wellness center. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

2/17/17 |
27378 |
Levi Hartsfield, assistant director for Barefoots Joe and Modero Coffee Roasters, uses the new Olympic weight platform in the wellness center. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

5/6/16 |
26807 |
Students use the equipment in the Wellness Center. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

4/15/15 |
25105 |
Blake Pennington, director of wellness services, welcomes people to the first UWalk,a 2-mile walk around campus which was held to encourage physical activity. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

11/7/13 |
22735 |
Rachel Huggins, senior sports medicine major, competes in the jump rope section of the annual Union's Most Fit competition sponsored by Wellness Services. -
Matt McDaniel

11/7/13 |
22736 |
Photo by Matt McDaniel
Benjamin Fesmire, senior business administration major, carries the heavy weights during the farmer's walk portion during the annual Union's Most Fit competition in the small gym. -
Matt McDaniel

11/7/13 |
22738 |
The male competitors participate in the wall sit portion of the annual Union's Most Fit competition. -
Matt McDaniel

2/1/13 |
22064 |
Students, employees and community members enjoy using the wellness center on campus. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

11/1/12 |
21147 |
Heath Thompson (right), senior sports medicine major, jumps rope during the Union's Most Fit competition next to Jake Ryan, senior business administration major. -
Jacob Moore

11/1/12 |
21148 |
Heath Thompson, senior sports medicine major, competes in the farmer's walk portion of the Union's Most Fit competition. -
Jacob Moore

11/1/12 |
21149 |
Eliza Clark, sophomore athletic training major, prepares to carry weights across the gym during the farmer's walk portion of the Union's Most Fit competition. -
Jacob Moore

11/1/12 |
21150 |
Students watch competitors in the Union's Most Fit contest compete in the farmer's walk. -
Jacob Moore

11/1/12 |
21152 |
Male participants compete to see who can wall sit the longest during the final round of Union's Most Fit. -
Jacob Moore

2/28/12 |
19830 |
Matthew McSwain, sophomore athletic training major, guards Chad Buckley, senior history major, during a men's upper division intramural basketball game. -
Anne Richoux

2/28/12 |
19831 |
Jared Haney, sophomore business administration major, looks for a teammate to pass the ball to during an intramural game. -
Anne Richoux

2/28/12 |
19832 |
Chase Tuggle, senior youth ministry major, goes up for a shot against Lamda Chi players during an intramural basketball game. -
Anne Richoux

1/14/10 |
12605 |
Wellness Services includes a wellness center/workout facility, racquetball courts, basketball courts, and an indoor aquatic center, all located in the Penick Academic Complex. -
Kristi McMurry Woody

10/23/08 |
10229 |
Justin Holder, coach of one of the water polo teams, resists an opponent while leaning back to shoot the ball during the water polo championship held by the Wellness Center. -
Beth Spain

10/23/08 |
10230 |
Fans cheer as their water polo team scores a goal during the championship game held by the Wellness Center. -
Beth Spain

10/23/08 |
10231 |
Lifeguard Matt Taylor marks another goal for the Onions during the men's championship water polo game hosted by the Wellness Center. -
Beth Spain

10/23/08 |
10232 |
Champions of the water polo competition, A Baby Seal, each won a $5 gift card to Subway. -
Beth Spain

5/10/06 |
5382 |
Brandon Boylan, associate director of wellness, talks with Amber Lutz & Katie Tipton about the Independent Women's intramural cup win after the Awards Day ceremony. -
Heather Phillips

4/5/06 |
5228 |
After recording their weights, Dana Thompson, Kathryn Kiper and Ashlinn Boyd discuss weekly
exercise plans and encourage each other to keep up the good work during their Biggest Loser contest. -
Stephanie Schroeder

2/23/06 |
4792 |
Swimmers enjoy the Acquatic Center. -
Kyle Kurlick

8/31/05 |
5530 |
Jim Veneman, assistant professor of communication arts, serves during a game of raquetball. -
Kyle Kurlick

8/31/05 |
5531 |
Cam Tracy, web development agent, chases down a ball off the back wall during a racquetball game against Jim Veneman. -
Kyle Kurlick

2/19/04 |
2070 |
Junior Lewis Curd and senior Jeff Lash, both Christian studies majors, play a game of ping pong in the student lounge located in the Student Union Building. -
Kristen Hiller

2/19/04 |
2074 |
A group of Kappa Deltas practice ping pong for a intramurals tournament. -
Kristen Hiller

2/18/04 |
2066 |
The independent men huddle up before an intramural matchup. -
Kristen Nicole Sayres

2/11/04 |
1867 |
Junior Allison Seaman, nursing major, and senior Belinda Hannigan, physical education major, enjoy working out in the Wellness Center. -
Lindsay Stavish

10/22/03 |
1570 |
Onions and SAE 3 play hard and tough during a flag football game. SAE 3 eventually won, 19-13. -
Justin Veneman

10/3/03 |
1455 |
Freshman Sabrina White, history major, does some abdominal work during the early morning hours on Friday. She keeps an eye on her aerobics instructor, sophomore Emily Kuhnert, athletic training major. -
Lindsay Stavish

9/2/03 |
1349 |
To get a quality work-out, Junior Randy Gulledge, undecided major, pushes the limits to ensure he gets the most out of his time in the Wellness Center. -
Lindsay Stavish

9/2/03 |
1350 |
Fabio Buarque of Belo Horizontg, Brazil concentrates as he works out in the Wellness Center. -
Lindsay Stavish

4/21/03 |
1052 |
Sophomore Gary Snuffin, Christian ministry and recreation major, slides onto the plate where junior Matt Nason, sports management major, calls the play. Lambda Chi Alpha 2 defeated Onions 1 on Monday, April 21 by a score of 6-5 at the West Jackson Baptist Church softball field. -
Justin Veneman

4/21/03 |
1053 |
Assignment: Ultimate Frisbee Intramurals - Resident Director Bobby Ludwig makes a pass as 2002 alumnus Matt Thomas plays defensively. -
Kristen Hiller

4/21/03 |
1054 |
Assignment: Ultimate Frisbee Intramurals - Freshmen Daniel Holsinger, biology major, and Jason Nolan, Christian studies major, wonder which team will catch the frisbee once it's out of their hands. -
Kristen Hiller

11/14/02 |
1358 |
Women's intramural football action 2002. -

10/1/02 |
542 |
Intramural Flag Football Action -
Justin Veneman

10/1/02 |
314 |
Freshman Joel Polk, narrowly escapes a tackle in the intramural flag football game by sophomore Logan Creasy, music major, while junior Chad Davis, Christian studies major, looks on. -
Justin Veneman

10/1/02 |
313 |
Tie Dyed Michelle Pierce and Lindy Wilson attempt to allude Chi Omega Sophomores Ruth Schroder and Abby Brooks during a Women's Intramural Flag Football game.
Justin Veneman