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Institute for Intellectual Discipleship Photos

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Jerry Walls, scholar in residence and professor of philosophy at Houston Baptist University, gives a lecture entitled 鈥淭he Lion is Real: C.S. Lewis鈥檚 Case for Christianity鈥 in Hartley Recital Hall. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 4/14/16 | 26581 | XL
Jerry Walls, scholar in residence and professor of philosophy at Houston Baptist University, gives a lecture entitled 鈥淭he Lion is Real: C.S. Lewis鈥檚 Case for Christianity鈥 in Hartley Recital Hall. - MiKalla Cotton

Jerry Walls, scholar in residence and professor of philosophy at Houston Baptist University, gives a lecture entitled 鈥淭he Lion is Real: C.S. Lewis鈥檚 Case for Christianity鈥 in Hartley Recital Hall. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 4/14/16 | 26582 | XL
Jerry Walls, scholar in residence and professor of philosophy at Houston Baptist University, gives a lecture entitled 鈥淭he Lion is Real: C.S. Lewis鈥檚 Case for Christianity鈥 in Hartley Recital Hall. - MiKalla Cotton

Graduate students listen as Justin Barnard, associate dean of the Institute for Intellectual Discipleship and associate professor of philosophy, teaches Introduction to Christian Ethics in Jennings Hall.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 3/13/14 | 23159 | XL
Graduate students listen as Justin Barnard, associate dean of the Institute for Intellectual Discipleship and associate professor of philosophy, teaches Introduction to Christian Ethics in Jennings Hall. - Anne Richoux

Justin Barnard, associate dean of the Institute for Intellectual Discipleship, speaks on "Mere Epistemology: Christian Wisdom about Knowing from C.S. Lewis" in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Photo by Jacob Moore 11/15/13 | 22833 | XL
Justin Barnard, associate dean of the Institute for Intellectual Discipleship, speaks on "Mere Epistemology: Christian Wisdom about Knowing from C.S. Lewis" in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Jacob Moore

Jennifer Gruenke, professor of biology and director of the Hammons Center for Scientific Studies, delivers a lecture entitled, "What would C.S. Lewis think about the ID movement and BioLogos?: An analysis of a debate on Lewis' view of science" at the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series. - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/28/13 | 22642 | XL
Jennifer Gruenke, professor of biology and director of the Hammons Center for Scientific Studies, delivers a lecture entitled, "What would C.S. Lewis think about the ID movement and BioLogos?: An analysis of a debate on Lewis' view of science" at the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux

Brad Green, associate professor of Christian thought and tradition, speaks on the recovery of true education at the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series. - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/28/13 | 22643 | XL
Brad Green, associate professor of Christian thought and tradition, speaks on the recovery of true education at the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux

Justin Barnard, associate dean of the institute for intellectual discipleship and associate professor of philosophy, introduces Hal Poe, speaker for the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/21/13 | 22577 | XL
Justin Barnard, associate dean of the institute for intellectual discipleship and associate professor of philosophy, introduces Hal Poe, speaker for the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Anne Richoux

Hal Poe, Charles Colson professor of faith and culture, gives a lecture on "C.S. Lewis and Imagination" during the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown series in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/21/13 | 22578 | XL
Hal Poe, Charles Colson professor of faith and culture, gives a lecture on "C.S. Lewis and Imagination" during the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown series in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Anne Richoux

Hal Poe, Charles Colson professor of faith and culture, speaks at the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series held on Mondays in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/21/13 | 22579 | XL
Hal Poe, Charles Colson professor of faith and culture, speaks at the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series held on Mondays in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Anne Richoux

Gene Fant, executive vice president for academic administration and professor of English, delivers a lecture entitled, "C.S. Lewis and Literature: Why Reading Broadly Matters" during the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/21/13 | 22580 | XL
Gene Fant, executive vice president for academic administration and professor of English, delivers a lecture entitled, "C.S. Lewis and Literature: Why Reading Broadly Matters" during the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux

Gene Fant, executive vice president for academic administration and professor of English, speaks to students, faculty, staff, and guests at the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series. - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/21/13 | 22581 | XL
Gene Fant, executive vice president for academic administration and professor of English, speaks to students, faculty, staff, and guests at the Aslan's Apologist Town & Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux

Scott Huelin, associate professor of english and director of the honors community, speaks on "The Ars Moriendi in Literature" at the Town and Gown lecture series Death and Dying. - Photo by Amanda Rohde 9/5/13 | 22326 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of english and director of the honors community, speaks on "The Ars Moriendi in Literature" at the Town and Gown lecture series Death and Dying. - Amanda Rohde

Scott Huelin, associate professor of english and director of the honors community, speaks on "The Ars Moriendi in Literature" at the Town and Gown lecture series.  - Photo by Amanda Rohde 9/5/13 | 22327 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of english and director of the honors community, speaks on "The Ars Moriendi in Literature" at the Town and Gown lecture series. - Amanda Rohde

Denis Bisangwa, freshman business adminstration major, talks about his life in Rwanda and introduces the movie As We Forgive during the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/25/11 | 18815 | XL
Denis Bisangwa, freshman business adminstration major, talks about his life in Rwanda and introduces the movie As We Forgive during the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux

Patrick Melancon, managing director of disaster response and training for Baptist Global Response, speaks during the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series. - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/18/11 | 18783 | XL
Patrick Melancon, managing director of disaster response and training for Baptist Global Response, speaks during the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux

Melody Harper gives a lecture titled "One Life Can Make A Difference" at the Town and Gown lecture series.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/18/11 | 18786 | XL
Melody Harper gives a lecture titled "One Life Can Make A Difference" at the Town and Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux

Jay Bernheisel, Jennifer Gruenke, and Ben Mitchell speak at the Living With Someone Else's Liver symposium. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 11/16/10 | 16247 | XL
Jay Bernheisel, Jennifer Gruenke, and Ben Mitchell speak at the Living With Someone Else's Liver symposium. - Deanna Santangelo

Jay Bernheisel, associate professor of engineering, discusses his experience living with primary sclerosing cholangitis, or PSC, a liver disease believed to be caused by autoimmunity.  - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 11/16/10 | 16248 | XL
Jay Bernheisel, associate professor of engineering, discusses his experience living with primary sclerosing cholangitis, or PSC, a liver disease believed to be caused by autoimmunity. - Deanna Santangelo

Jay Bernheisel, Jennifer Gruenke, and Ben Mitchell speak at the Living With Someone Else's Liver symposium. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 11/16/10 | 16249 | XL
Jay Bernheisel, Jennifer Gruenke, and Ben Mitchell speak at the Living With Someone Else's Liver symposium. - Deanna Santangelo

Ben Mitchell, Graves professor of moral philosophy, speaks on the history of transplanting organs. The lecture titled "Living With Someone Else's Liver" was held in the Grant Center  - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 11/16/10 | 16250 | XL
Ben Mitchell, Graves professor of moral philosophy, speaks on the history of transplanting organs. The lecture titled "Living With Someone Else's Liver" was held in the Grant Center - Deanna Santangelo

Ben Mitchell, Graves professor of moral philosophy, speaks on the history of transplanting organs at the "Living With Someone Else's Liver" event. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 11/16/10 | 16251 | XL
Ben Mitchell, Graves professor of moral philosophy, speaks on the history of transplanting organs at the "Living With Someone Else's Liver" event. - Deanna Santangelo

Jennifer Gruenke, associate professor of biology and director of the Hammons Center for Scientific Study, speaks on the scientific alternatives to organ transplants. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 11/16/10 | 16252 | XL
Jennifer Gruenke, associate professor of biology and director of the Hammons Center for Scientific Study, speaks on the scientific alternatives to organ transplants. - Deanna Santangelo

Justin Barnard, director of the Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership, discusses the Jena Six case during a forum held in Harvey Hall. - Photo by Matthew Diggs 10/4/07 | 8478 | XL
Justin Barnard, director of the Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership, discusses the Jena Six case during a forum held in Harvey Hall. - Matthew Diggs

Humorist, Movie Critic, and Social Commentator Eric Metaxas spoke at the Mars Hill Forum chapel. - Photo by Stephanny Rodriguez 2/22/06 | 4782 | XL
Humorist, Movie Critic, and Social Commentator Eric Metaxas spoke at the Mars Hill Forum chapel. - Stephanny Rodriguez

President Dockery inducts R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., as a fellow in Union's Carl F. H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 5/21/05 | 3195 | XL
President Dockery inducts R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., as a fellow in Union's Carl F. H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership. - Morris Abernathy

Russell Moore speaks at Union's fourth annual Mars Hill Forum where he argued that the concept of the kingdom of God should result in an identifiable theology of socio-political engagement for the evangelical Church. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 9/9/04 | 2468 | XL
Russell Moore speaks at Union's fourth annual Mars Hill Forum where he argued that the concept of the kingdom of God should result in an identifiable theology of socio-political engagement for the evangelical Church. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Russell Moore speaks with students after his Mars Hill Forum address.  Dr. Moore's lecture received wide acclaim from over 100 students and faculty present and his chapel address the following morning held a standing-room only crowd. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 9/9/04 | 2469 | XL
Russell Moore speaks with students after his Mars Hill Forum address. Dr. Moore's lecture received wide acclaim from over 100 students and faculty present and his chapel address the following morning held a standing-room only crowd. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler, Jr. presents an address titled <i>Baptist Identity: Is There a Future?</i> at the Baptist Identity Conference held on Union's campus April 5-6. - Photo by Jim Veneman 4/6/04 | 1929 | XL
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler, Jr. presents an address titled Baptist Identity: Is There a Future? at the Baptist Identity Conference held on Union's campus April 5-6. - Jim Veneman

Evangelist Voddie Baucham leads in a concluding worship service for the Baptist Identity Conference that was held on Union's campus April 5-6. Prior to the service President Dockery announced the addition of Baucham to the Union faculty as an adjunct professor of Christian Studies. - Photo by Jim Veneman 4/6/04 | 1932 | XL
Evangelist Voddie Baucham leads in a concluding worship service for the Baptist Identity Conference that was held on Union's campus April 5-6. Prior to the service President Dockery announced the addition of Baucham to the Union faculty as an adjunct professor of Christian Studies. - Jim Veneman

Union professors Gregory A. Thornbury and Hal Poe lead a panel discussion entitled <i>Baptist Identity and Post-Denominationalism</i> at the Baptist Identity Conference held on Union's campus. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 4/6/04 | 1948 | XL
Union professors Gregory A. Thornbury and Hal Poe lead a panel discussion entitled Baptist Identity and Post-Denominationalism at the Baptist Identity Conference held on Union's campus. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Baptist Identity Conference attendees ask questions during a panel discussion led by Union professors Gregory A. Thornbury and Hal Poe. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 4/6/04 | 1949 | XL
Baptist Identity Conference attendees ask questions during a panel discussion led by Union professors Gregory A. Thornbury and Hal Poe. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Biblical Studies major Nick Ellis poses a question during the panel discussion at the Baptist Identity Conference held on Union's campus. - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 4/6/04 | 1950 | XL
Biblical Studies major Nick Ellis poses a question during the panel discussion at the Baptist Identity Conference held on Union's campus. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

Union professors Gregory A. Thornbury and Hal Poe lead a panel discussion entitled <i>Baptist Identity and Post-Denominationalism</i> at the Baptist Identity Conference held on Union's campus.  - Photo by Kristen Nicole Sayres 4/6/04 | 1951 | XL
Union professors Gregory A. Thornbury and Hal Poe lead a panel discussion entitled Baptist Identity and Post-Denominationalism at the Baptist Identity Conference held on Union's campus. - Kristen Nicole Sayres

President David S. Dockery presents an address titled <i>The Rebirth of Baptist Orthodoxy</i> at the Baptist Identity Conference that was held on Union's campus April 5-6. - Photo by Jim Veneman 4/5/04 | 1930 | XL
President David S. Dockery presents an address titled The Rebirth of Baptist Orthodoxy at the Baptist Identity Conference that was held on Union's campus April 5-6. - Jim Veneman

President of the Executive Committee of the SBC Morris H. Chapman presents an address titled <i>Cooperative Program: Connectionalism versus Cooperation?</i> at the Baptist Identity Conference that was held on Union's campus April 5-6. - Photo by Jim Veneman 4/5/04 | 1931 | XL
President of the Executive Committee of the SBC Morris H. Chapman presents an address titled Cooperative Program: Connectionalism versus Cooperation? at the Baptist Identity Conference that was held on Union's campus April 5-6. - Jim Veneman

Greg Baylor, Director of the Christian Legal Society's Center for Law and Religious Freedom presents an address on <i>Culture Wars: Making Sense of the Battles Over Church and State</i> to the Mars Hill Forum April 16.  - Photo by Jim Veneman 4/16/03 | 1062 | XL
Greg Baylor, Director of the Christian Legal Society's Center for Law and Religious Freedom presents an address on Culture Wars: Making Sense of the Battles Over Church and State to the Mars Hill Forum April 16. - Jim Veneman

Greg Thornbury, assistant professor of Christian studies and director of the Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership, emphasizes the importance of understanding worldview to his students. - Photo by Jim Veneman 10/17/02 | 699 | XL
Greg Thornbury, assistant professor of Christian studies and director of the Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership, emphasizes the importance of understanding worldview to his students. - Jim Veneman

Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership Director Greg Thornbury and Library Director Steve Baker sing the University Hymn, <i>Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee</i> at Fall Convocation 2002. - Photo by Jim Veneman 8/30/02 | 188 | XL
Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership Director Greg Thornbury and Library Director Steve Baker sing the University Hymn, Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee at Fall Convocation 2002. - Jim Veneman

David P. Gushee, Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy and Senior Fellow of the Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership, stresses to his ethics classes the need for understanding society in order to change it. - Photo by Jim Veneman 4/10/02 | 115 | XL
David P. Gushee, Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy and Senior Fellow of the Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership, stresses to his ethics classes the need for understanding society in order to change it. - Jim Veneman