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Cody Curtis Photos

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Cody Curtis, assistant professor of composition and theory, teaches a class. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 10/19/20 | 29620 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant professor of composition and theory, teaches a class. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Cody Curtis, assistant professor of composition and theory, teaches a class. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 10/19/20 | 29621 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant professor of composition and theory, teaches a class. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, performs pieces from his composition, <em>Romans</em>, during chapel. - Photo by Gretchen Foels 4/15/16 | 26583 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, performs pieces from his composition, Romans, during chapel. - Gretchen Foels

Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, leads music during chapel. - Photo by Gretchen Foels 2/26/16 | 26381 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, leads music during chapel. - Gretchen Foels

Cody Curtis, assistant residence director and wife, Melodie Curtis, along with Cameron Skonhovd, junior psychology major, and David Key, sophomore, played a few songs in chapel before Kevin Ezell spoke to students in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 2/10/16 | 26265 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant residence director and wife, Melodie Curtis, along with Cameron Skonhovd, junior psychology major, and David Key, sophomore, played a few songs in chapel before Kevin Ezell spoke to students in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel - Elizabeth Wilson

Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, helps lead music during chapel. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 2/10/16 | 26270 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, helps lead music during chapel. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Cody Curtis, assistant resident director of men's quads and intramural coordinator, and his wife Melody, along with 
Cameron Skonhovd, junior psychology major, lead worship in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 10/2/15 | 25836 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant resident director of men's quads and intramural coordinator, and his wife Melody, along with Cameron Skonhovd, junior psychology major, lead worship in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel. - Elizabeth Wilson

MacLin Williamson, junior biology major, helps prepare S'mores alongside Cody Curtis, Assistant Residence Director, during Residence Life's Progressive Snacking. - Photo by David Parks 9/8/15 | 25739 | XL
MacLin Williamson, junior biology major, helps prepare S'mores alongside Cody Curtis, Assistant Residence Director, during Residence Life's Progressive Snacking. - David Parks

Cody Curtis leads guests of the Ryan Center Bible Conference in a hymn. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 3/21/15 | 24986 | XL
Cody Curtis leads guests of the Ryan Center Bible Conference in a hymn. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, leads worship in a chapel service along with other band members in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by Meg Rushing 3/18/15 | 25029 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, leads worship in a chapel service along with other band members in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel. - Meg Rushing

Ben Bredow, residence director of the male quads, and Cody Curtis, assistant residence director of the male quads, cheer as their partner, Haaken Magnuson, senior biology major, completes a station during Residence Life's Minute to Win it event in the McAfee Commons. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 3/3/15 | 24845 | XL
Ben Bredow, residence director of the male quads, and Cody Curtis, assistant residence director of the male quads, cheer as their partner, Haaken Magnuson, senior biology major, completes a station during Residence Life's Minute to Win it event in the McAfee Commons. - MiKalla Cotton

Christopher Curtis, assistant resident director for the men's quads, and the band lead students in worship during Scholars of Excellence weekend in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 2/20/15 | 24760 | XL
Christopher Curtis, assistant resident director for the men's quads, and the band lead students in worship during Scholars of Excellence weekend in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel. - MiKalla Cotton

Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the male quads, and the university band lead worship for the Preview Day chapel service. - Photo by Emily Stookey 11/14/14 | 24601 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the male quads, and the university band lead worship for the Preview Day chapel service. - Emily Stookey

Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the men's quads, leads students in a song during chapel.  - Photo by Emily Stookey 10/17/14 | 24339 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the men's quads, leads students in a song during chapel. - Emily Stookey

Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the male quads, plays piano and leads the congregation in a song at the beginning of chapel. - Photo by Emily Stookey 9/5/14 | 23899 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the male quads, plays piano and leads the congregation in a song at the beginning of chapel. - Emily Stookey

Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the men's quads, leads students in a song during chapel. - Photo by Amanda Rohde 8/29/14 | 23882 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the men's quads, leads students in a song during chapel. - Amanda Rohde

Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the Male Quads, leads music in chapel. - Photo by Jacob Moore 11/15/13 | 22829 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant resident director for the Male Quads, leads music in chapel. - Jacob Moore

Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, talks to students about a song while leading worship music during the final chapel of Faith in Practice week.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 10/19/12 | 21103 | XL
Cody Curtis, assistant residence director, talks to students about a song while leading worship music during the final chapel of Faith in Practice week. - Anne Richoux