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Scholarship Banquet: Winston S. Churchill (Sep 26, 2006) Photos

Winston S. Churchill shares memories of his grandfather and namesake, as well as his views on world politics and the war in Iraq, as guest speaker at Union's tenth annual scholarship banquet. - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6130 | XL
Winston S. Churchill shares memories of his grandfather and namesake, as well as his views on world politics and the war in Iraq, as guest speaker at Union's tenth annual scholarship banquet. - Stephanie Schroeder

Winston S. Churchill shares memories of his grandfather and namesake, as well as his views on world politics and the war in Iraq, as guest speaker at Union's tenth annual scholarship banquet. - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6131 | XL
Winston S. Churchill shares memories of his grandfather and namesake, as well as his views on world politics and the war in Iraq, as guest speaker at Union's tenth annual scholarship banquet. - Stephanie Schroeder

Winston S. Churchill shares memories of his grandfather and namesake, as well as his views on world politics and the war in Iraq, as guest speaker at Union's tenth annual scholarship banquet. - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6132 | XL
Winston S. Churchill shares memories of his grandfather and namesake, as well as his views on world politics and the war in Iraq, as guest speaker at Union's tenth annual scholarship banquet. - Stephanie Schroeder

President Dockery visits with students prior to Winston S. Churchill's arrival on campus. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6157 | XL
President Dockery visits with students prior to Winston S. Churchill's arrival on campus. - Morris Abernathy

President Dockery greets Winston Churchill as he arrives on the Union campus. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6158 | XL
President Dockery greets Winston Churchill as he arrives on the Union campus. - Morris Abernathy

President Dockery and Winston Churchill approach the administrative offices on Union's campus. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6159 | XL
President Dockery and Winston Churchill approach the administrative offices on Union's campus. - Morris Abernathy

Winston Churchill meets with a group of students before speaking at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Holly Gushee 9/26/06 | 6171 | XL
Winston Churchill meets with a group of students before speaking at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Holly Gushee

Winston Churchill greets Union students as he arrives on campus. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6160 | XL
Winston Churchill greets Union students as he arrives on campus. - Morris Abernathy

Winston Churchill greets a group of Union students before his address at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6121 | XL
Winston Churchill greets a group of Union students before his address at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Stephanie Schroeder

Winston Churchill greets Union senior Andy Robinette and other Union students upon his arrival on campus. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 9/26/06 | 6174 | XL
Winston Churchill greets Union senior Andy Robinette and other Union students upon his arrival on campus. - Kyle Kurlick

Winston Churchill spends some time in President Dockery's office signing books before his address at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6161 | XL
Winston Churchill spends some time in President Dockery's office signing books before his address at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

Winston Churchill poses for a photograph in President Dockery's office before his address at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6162 | XL
Winston Churchill poses for a photograph in President Dockery's office before his address at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

Proclamation, under the direction of Richard Joiner, performed a collection of songs at the beginning of the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6128 | XL
Proclamation, under the direction of Richard Joiner, performed a collection of songs at the beginning of the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Stephanie Schroeder

President Dockery welcomed the audience to the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6129 | XL
President Dockery welcomed the audience to the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Stephanie Schroeder

Winston S. Churchill delivers his keynote address during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6164 | XL
Winston S. Churchill delivers his keynote address during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

Winston S. Churchill delivers his keynote address during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6165 | XL
Winston S. Churchill delivers his keynote address during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

Winston S. Churchill delivers his keynote address during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6166 | XL
Winston S. Churchill delivers his keynote address during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

Speaker Winston Churchill addresses the audience at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet on Wednesday, September 26, 2006. - Photo by Holly Gushee 9/26/06 | 6172 | XL
Speaker Winston Churchill addresses the audience at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet on Wednesday, September 26, 2006. - Holly Gushee

Winston S. Churchill shared memories of his grandfather and namesake and gave his opinions on the state of Europe, U.K. and U.S.A. political relations at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 9/26/06 | 6175 | XL
Winston S. Churchill shared memories of his grandfather and namesake and gave his opinions on the state of Europe, U.K. and U.S.A. political relations at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Kyle Kurlick

Winston S. Churchill shared memories of his grandfather and namesake and gave his opinions on the state of Europe, U.K. and U.S.A. political relations at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Holly Gushee 9/26/06 | 6173 | XL
Winston S. Churchill shared memories of his grandfather and namesake and gave his opinions on the state of Europe, U.K. and U.S.A. political relations at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Holly Gushee

Winston S. Churchill shared memories of his grandfather and namesake and gave his opinions on the state of Europe, U.K. and U.S.A. political relations at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 9/26/06 | 6176 | XL
Winston S. Churchill shared memories of his grandfather and namesake and gave his opinions on the state of Europe, U.K. and U.S.A. political relations at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Kyle Kurlick

President Dockery presented Winston S. Churchill with a DVD copy of <em>The $64,000 Question</em> that featured his grandfather during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet.  - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6167 | XL
President Dockery presented Winston S. Churchill with a DVD copy of The $64,000 Question that featured his grandfather during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

Winston S. Churchill took some time after his address to answer questions from the audience during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6168 | XL
Winston S. Churchill took some time after his address to answer questions from the audience during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

Winston S. Churchill took some time after his address to answer questions from the audience during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6169 | XL
Winston S. Churchill took some time after his address to answer questions from the audience during the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

President Dockery gave Winston S. Churchill a Bible and <em>So Great a Cloud of Witnesses</em>, a book on Union's history, as a thank you gift for presenting at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet.  - Photo by Kyle Kurlick 9/26/06 | 6177 | XL
President Dockery gave Winston S. Churchill a Bible and So Great a Cloud of Witnesses, a book on Union's history, as a thank you gift for presenting at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Kyle Kurlick

Winston S. Churchill gives a fond farewell to the audience at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6170 | XL
Winston S. Churchill gives a fond farewell to the audience at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

Sophomore Kieler Henry, DMS major, enjoys some punch just before the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Matthew Diggs 9/26/06 | 6682 | XL
Sophomore Kieler Henry, DMS major, enjoys some punch just before the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Matthew Diggs

Ben Mandrell, Englewood Baptist pastor, and his wife Lynley are welcomed by Sophomore Lindsey Gaines, Christian studies major, to the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Matthew Diggs 9/26/06 | 6740 | XL
Ben Mandrell, Englewood Baptist pastor, and his wife Lynley are welcomed by Sophomore Lindsey Gaines, Christian studies major, to the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Matthew Diggs

Winston Churchill smiles as he takes questions from a group of students before speaking at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Matthew Diggs 9/26/06 | 6741 | XL
Winston Churchill smiles as he takes questions from a group of students before speaking at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Matthew Diggs

President Dockery looks on as Winston S. Churchill answers questions from the audience at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Matthew Diggs 9/26/06 | 6742 | XL
President Dockery looks on as Winston S. Churchill answers questions from the audience at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Matthew Diggs

Sam Dockery, Paul Huckaba and Jim Colledge fellowship before the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6126 | XL
Sam Dockery, Paul Huckaba and Jim Colledge fellowship before the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Stephanie Schroeder

President Dockery and Photographer Jim Veneman enjoy a moment shortly before Churchill's visit for the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/26/06 | 6163 | XL
President Dockery and Photographer Jim Veneman enjoy a moment shortly before Churchill's visit for the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Morris Abernathy

2006 Scholarship Banquet - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6122 | XL
2006 Scholarship Banquet - Stephanie Schroeder

Paul Veazey greets guests at the 2006 Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6123 | XL
Paul Veazey greets guests at the 2006 Scholarship Banquet. - Stephanie Schroeder

State Representative Jimmy Eldridge was in attendance at the 2006 Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6124 | XL
State Representative Jimmy Eldridge was in attendance at the 2006 Scholarship Banquet. - Stephanie Schroeder

2006 Scholarship Banquet - Photo by Stephanie Schroeder 9/26/06 | 6125 | XL
2006 Scholarship Banquet - Stephanie Schroeder

Proclamation performed a collection of songs at the beginning of the 2006 Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Matthew Diggs 9/26/06 | 7610 | XL
Proclamation performed a collection of songs at the beginning of the 2006 Scholarship Banquet. - Matthew Diggs

Winston S. Churchill spoke to a crowd of about 1,800 people at the 2006 Scholarship Banquet held at the Civic Center. - Photo by Matthew Diggs 9/26/06 | 7611 | XL
Winston S. Churchill spoke to a crowd of about 1,800 people at the 2006 Scholarship Banquet held at the Civic Center. - Matthew Diggs

Winston S. Churchill spoke to a crowd of about 1,800 people at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Photo by Matthew Diggs 9/26/06 | 7612 | XL
Winston S. Churchill spoke to a crowd of about 1,800 people at the Tenth Annual Scholarship Banquet. - Matthew Diggs