9/16/11 | 18403 | XL
William Murray, senior engineering major, studies in the Emma Waters Summar library. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/16/11 | 18404 | XL
Stephen Mount, interlibrary loan and reserves coordinator, works in the Emma Waters Summar Library. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/15/11 | 17276 | XL
Kayleigh Hines, senior English and music double major, chooses books for research in the Emma Waters Summar Library. - Abigail Harris
4/14/11 | 17422 | XL
Pam Sutton, professor of English, helps students with an assignment in the Emma Waters Summar Library. - Victoria Stargel
8/30/10 | 15622 | XL
Students study as a group in the Emma Waters Summar Library. - Morris Abernathy
4/29/10 | 14179 | XL
John Winfree, junior Christian studies major, studies in the library. - Morris Abernathy
9/14/05 | 4337 | XL
Late night studying in the Emma Waters Summar Library. - Morris Abernathy
9/14/05 | 4338 | XL
Senior Blaire Collins looks through the stacks in the Emma Waters Summar Library. - Morris Abernathy
9/8/04 | 2446 | XL
The Hundley Center for Academic Enrichment, a new addition to library, provides tutorial assistance and conference facilities to further the learning environment. - Lauren Crane