11/5/15 | 26013 | XL
With the spotting of his Alpha Tau Omega brothers, Dallas Abraham, sophomore chemistry major, pushes through his final reps in the bench press challenge during the Union's Fittest Team competition. - David Parks
4/18/15 | 25073 | XL
Alpha Tau Omega performs the history of boy bands at SAC's Variety Show 2015. - Amanda Rohde
3/16/15 | 24947 | XL
Members of Alpha Tao Omega grill for a tailgate party before the championship game of the NCAA Division II South Region Tournament. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/16/15 | 24946 | XL
The men of ATO grill out for a tailgate party before the championship game of the NCAA Division II South Region Tournament. . - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/16/15 | 24948 | XL
The men of ATO enjoy hamburgers and hotdogs during their tailgate party before the championship game of the NCAA Division II South Region Tournament. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/4/14 | 24209 | XL
ATO Ryland Guthrie, junior business administration major, gets ready to race members of the other fraternities in the sprint relay at Greek Olympics. - Emily Stookey
10/4/14 | 24212 | XL
Members of Alpha Tau Omega compete against Lambda Chi Alpha in the rope pull for Greek Olympics. - Emily Stookey
4/28/12 | 20390 | XL
Cody Styx, sophomore business administration major and member of Alpha Tau Omega, dives into the pool during Greek Olympics. - Zac Calvert
4/28/12 | 20394 | XL
Matt Daffin, junior athletic training major, leads the men of Alpha Tau Omega in a haka, a traditional war challenge from the Maori people of New Zealand, during Greek Olympics. - Zac Calvert
9/11/09 | 11691 | XL
The men of ATO set up their table at the IFC cookout at the beginning of Rush. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/3/09 | 11651 | XL
Members of Alpha Tau Omega watch the Diamond Jaxx game and fellowship with friends at Pringles Park on college night. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/6/09 | 10729 | XL
The men of Alpha Tau Omega used a Men in Black theme for their variety show act, which included many interesting dance moves. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/6/09 | 10730 | XL
The men of Alpha Tau Omega used a Men in Black theme for their variety show act, which included many interesting dance moves. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/6/09 | 10731 | XL
The men of Alpha Tau Omega used a Men in Black theme for their variety show act, which included many interesting dance moves. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/6/09 | 10732 | XL
The men of Alpha Tau Omega used a Men in Black theme for their variety show act, which included many interesting dance moves. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/5/08 | 9508 | XL
Members of ATO struggle to win the tug-of-war competition at the Greek Olympics while their brothers cheer them. - Kyle Kurlick
4/5/08 | 9512 | XL
Members of ATO struggle to win the tug-of-war competition at the Greek Olympics while their brothers cheer them. - Kyle Kurlick
4/5/08 | 9515 | XL
Andrew Corbett shouts to boost his strength as he and members of ATO work to win the tug-of-war competition at the Greek Olympics as fellow fraternity brothers cheer for their team. - Kyle Kurlick
4/5/08 | 9519 | XL
ATO chariot runners begin dash down the field at the Greek Olympics. - Kyle Kurlick
10/12/07 | 8600 | XL
At the Make-A-Wish Foundation party, sponsored by Chi Omega, the men from ATO helped serve drinks to the visitors. - Neisha Fuson
2/16/06 | 4648 | XL
A group of ATOs prepare to compete in a wild and wacky game. - Brad Moore