Zeta Tau Alpha Photos
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4/6/19 | 28904 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha perform during the 2019 Variety Show. - Joey Echeverria
4/17/16 | 26608 | XL
At the Carl Perkins Civic Center, the ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha perform on stage at the variety show - Elizabeth Wilson
4/16/16 | 26613 | XL
Mary Scarlett Greenway, junior public relations major, stars as a main role in Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show act. - David Parks
9/26/15 | 25815 | XL
Children are fascinated as Hannah Richardson, senior cell and molecular biology major, paints faces at the Zeta Tau Alpha booth during Union Night. - David Parks
4/18/15 | 25075 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs an espionage-themed routine at SAC's Variety Show 2015. - Amanda Rohde
11/4/14 | 24431 | XL
Anna Isbell of Zeta Tau Alpha competes in a Bulldog Olympics game. - Meg Rushing
5/3/14 | 23380 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha throw their hands out during a dance routine in their performance at the 17th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore
5/3/14 | 23396 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha perform in the 17th Annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - MiKalla Cotton
2/14/14 | 23040 | XL
Hope Lewis, junior elementary education major, and Tori Brooks, senior english major read scripture during the prayer chapel in remembrance of Olivia Greenlee. - Matt McDaniel
12/2/13 | 22852 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha read scripture as a part of A Panhellenic Christmas in the Bowld Student Commons. - Anne Richoux
9/28/13 | 22436 | XL
Emma Hopkins, sophomore nursing major, takes up tickets at the Zeta Tau Alpha shrimp boil during Union Night. This event has become a tradition during Family Weekend. - Matt McDaniel
4/20/13 | 21735 | XL
The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha preform their large group act Saturday evening at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Morris Abernathy
4/20/13 | 21804 | XL
Brooke Dickson, senior nursing major, dances in the Zeta Tau Alpha large group performance during the 16th annual Variety Show. - Matt McDaniel
4/20/13 | 21775 | XL
The Phantom, played by Claudia Velasco, leads Christine, played by Tori Brooks, across the stage to the opera house's underground lair during Zeta Tau Alpha's performance of "Phantom of the Opera" at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore
4/20/13 | 21807 | XL
Tori Brooks, junior english creative writing major, plays Christine and rips of the mask of the phantom played by Claudia Velasco, senior philosophy major during the 16th annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Matt McDaniel
4/20/13 | 21774 | XL
Nick Fleming, sophomore ministries and missions major, performs a masquerade scene from Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show performance with Tori Brooks, junior English creative writing major, and members of Zeta Tau Alpha. - Jacob Moore
9/1/12 | 20812 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha Leah Hamilton, junior family studies major, Hannah Richardson, freshman biology major, Kathlin White, sophomore elementary education major, and Mary Jo Stinson, freshman undecided major, enjoy a slip 'n slide on Panhellenic Bid Day. - Anne Richoux
4/21/12 | 20130 | XL
Rachel West, freshman nursing major, helps style hair for Taylor Klock, freshman English major, for Zeta Tau Alpha's performance at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore
4/21/12 | 20224 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha perform at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Morris Abernathy
4/21/12 | 20187 | XL
Claudia Velasco, Tori Brooks, and Kate Drewry battle each other in the Zeta Tau Alpha act during the 15th Annual Variety Show. - Zac Calvert
4/21/12 | 20209 | XL
Claudia Velasco, as Captain Jack Sparrow from "Pirates of the Caribbean", performs a stomp along with her fellow sisters in Zeta Tau Alpha sisters at the 15th Annual Variety show. - Ebbie Davis
4/21/12 | 20207 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha perform their "Pirates of the Caribbean" act at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis
4/30/11 | 17405 | XL
Megan Daniel, junior nursing major, crouches with anticipation at the starting line for the baton pass at the Greek Olympics. - Deanna Santangelo
4/16/11 | 17332 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis
4/16/11 | 17343 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis
4/16/11 | 17292 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha uses dance to recount one girl's dream of the circus at the 14th Annual Variety Show hosted by SAC at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Victoria Stargel