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Zeta Tau Alpha Photos

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Zeta Tau Alpha prepares to distribute bids on Sorority Bid Day. - Photo by Lauren Steed 9/2/23 | 30924 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha prepares to distribute bids on Sorority Bid Day. - Lauren Steed

Zeta Tau Alpha prepares to distribute bids on Sorority Bid Day. - Photo by Lauren Steed 9/2/23 | 30925 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha prepares to distribute bids on Sorority Bid Day. - Lauren Steed

Zeta Tau Alpha performs during SAC's annual Variety Show. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 4/15/23 | 30759 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs during SAC's annual Variety Show. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Zeta Tau Alpha takes home the trophy at SAC's annual Variety Show. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 4/15/23 | 30764 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha takes home the trophy at SAC's annual Variety Show. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Zeta Tau Alpha performs at Variety Show 2022 - Photo by Suzanne Rhodes 4/23/22 | 30501 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs at Variety Show 2022 - Suzanne Rhodes

Sara Beth Zeiser performs with Zeta Tau Alpha at Variety Show 2022. - Photo by Suzanne Rhodes 4/23/22 | 30502 | XL
Sara Beth Zeiser performs with Zeta Tau Alpha at Variety Show 2022. - Suzanne Rhodes

Union students wear their letters during Union's Greek Week celebration for sororities and fraternities. - Photo by Suzanne Rhodes 4/6/22 | 30431 | XL
Union students wear their letters during Union's Greek Week celebration for sororities and fraternities. - Suzanne Rhodes

Ladies of ZTA pose for a photo during Bid Day. - Photo by Abigail Aspinwall 8/28/21 | 30106 | XL
Ladies of ZTA pose for a photo during Bid Day. - Abigail Aspinwall

The women of Zeta participate in the Greek Olympics tug-of-war event.  - Photo by Nikki Grim 10/5/19 | 29300 | XL
The women of Zeta participate in the Greek Olympics tug-of-war event. - Nikki Grim

Students enjoy the Zeta pasta fundraising dinner. - Photo by Jess Newendyke 10/1/19 | 29291 | XL
Students enjoy the Zeta pasta fundraising dinner. - Jess Newendyke

Students enjoy the Zeta pasta fundraising dinner. - Photo by Jess Newendyke 10/1/19 | 29292 | XL
Students enjoy the Zeta pasta fundraising dinner. - Jess Newendyke

Zeta performs in the Variety Show. - Photo by Joey Echeverria 4/6/19 | 28903 | XL
Zeta performs in the Variety Show. - Joey Echeverria

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha perform during the 2019 Variety Show. - Photo by Joey Echeverria 4/6/19 | 28904 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha perform during the 2019 Variety Show. - Joey Echeverria

Zeta presents their Wizard of Oz themed performance for the 2019 Variety Show. - Photo by Joey Echeverria 4/6/19 | 28905 | XL
Zeta presents their Wizard of Oz themed performance for the 2019 Variety Show. - Joey Echeverria

Members of Zeta Tau Alpha sell baked goods to benefit breast cancer awareness during Union Night. - Photo by Nikki Grim 9/29/18 | 28566 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha sell baked goods to benefit breast cancer awareness during Union Night. - Nikki Grim

Zeta Tau Alpha performs in the 20th annual SAC Variety Show.  - Photo by Riley Boggs 4/22/17 | 27562 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs in the 20th annual SAC Variety Show. - Riley Boggs

Members of ZTA perform their number at the 20th annual SAC Variety Show. - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 4/22/17 | 27505 | XL
Members of ZTA perform their number at the 20th annual SAC Variety Show. - Elizabeth Wilson

Zeta Tau Alpha competes in the 20th annual SAC Variety Show. - Photo by Gretchen Foels 4/22/17 | 27528 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha competes in the 20th annual SAC Variety Show. - Gretchen Foels

At the Carl Perkins Civic Center, the ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha perform on stage at the variety show  - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 4/17/16 | 26608 | XL
At the Carl Perkins Civic Center, the ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha perform on stage at the variety show - Elizabeth Wilson

The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha perform on stage at Variety Show. - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 4/17/16 | 26610 | XL
The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha perform on stage at Variety Show. - Elizabeth Wilson

Kappa Delta performs at 2016 SAC Variety Show.  - Photo by Gretchen Foels 4/17/16 | 26592 | XL
Kappa Delta performs at 2016 SAC Variety Show. - Gretchen Foels

Mary Scarlett Greenway, junior public relations major, stars as a main role in Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show act.  - Photo by David Parks 4/16/16 | 26613 | XL
Mary Scarlett Greenway, junior public relations major, stars as a main role in Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show act. - David Parks

Sorority sisters lift up their queen in Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show act. - Photo by David Parks 4/16/16 | 26614 | XL
Sorority sisters lift up their queen in Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show act. - David Parks

Sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha rejoice after a victory in the Union's Fittest Team competition. - Photo by David Parks 11/5/15 | 26012 | XL
Sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha rejoice after a victory in the Union's Fittest Team competition. - David Parks

Children are fascinated as Hannah Richardson, senior cell and molecular biology major, paints faces at the Zeta Tau Alpha booth during Union Night. - Photo by David Parks 9/26/15 | 25815 | XL
Children are fascinated as Hannah Richardson, senior cell and molecular biology major, paints faces at the Zeta Tau Alpha booth during Union Night. - David Parks

Morgan Moody, junior english major, talks to freshmen about Zeta Tau Alpha and Greek life at the Student Organization Fair. - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 8/17/15 | 25606 | XL
Morgan Moody, junior english major, talks to freshmen about Zeta Tau Alpha and Greek life at the Student Organization Fair. - Elizabeth Wilson

New students talk to Laura Ritcheson, junior psychology major, at the Zeta Tau Alpha table at the Student Organization Fair. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 8/17/15 | 25578 | XL
New students talk to Laura Ritcheson, junior psychology major, at the Zeta Tau Alpha table at the Student Organization Fair. - MiKalla Cotton

Zeta Tau Alpha performs an espionage-themed routine at SAC's Variety Show 2015. - Photo by Amanda Rohde 4/18/15 | 25075 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs an espionage-themed routine at SAC's Variety Show 2015. - Amanda Rohde

Zeta Tau Alpha's performance including running with a copy of the "Mona Lisa" through the audience at SAC's Variety Show 2015. - Photo by Amanda Rohde 4/18/15 | 25077 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha's performance including running with a copy of the "Mona Lisa" through the audience at SAC's Variety Show 2015. - Amanda Rohde

Zeta Tau Alpha performs "Fugitive" during Student Activities Council's Variety Show 2015 in the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 4/18/15 | 25084 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs "Fugitive" during Student Activities Council's Variety Show 2015 in the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - MiKalla Cotton

Anna Isbell of Zeta Tau Alpha competes in a Bulldog Olympics game. - Photo by Meg Rushing 11/4/14 | 24431 | XL
Anna Isbell of Zeta Tau Alpha competes in a Bulldog Olympics game. - Meg Rushing

Zeta Tau Alphas cheer for their sisters during the competitions at Greek Olympics.  - Photo by Emily Stookey 10/4/14 | 24206 | XL
Zeta Tau Alphas cheer for their sisters during the competitions at Greek Olympics. - Emily Stookey

Members of the sorority Zeta Tau Alpha begin the chariot race as their sisters cheer them on during Greek Olympics. - Photo by Emily Stookey 10/4/14 | 24216 | XL
Members of the sorority Zeta Tau Alpha begin the chariot race as their sisters cheer them on during Greek Olympics. - Emily Stookey

Guests of Family Weekend and Union Night pick up their meals at the ZETA shrimp boil fundraiser. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 9/27/14 | 24138 | XL
Guests of Family Weekend and Union Night pick up their meals at the ZETA shrimp boil fundraiser. - Morris Abernathy

Zeta Tau Alpha performance in the 17th Annual Variety Show. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 5/3/14 | 23372 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performance in the 17th Annual Variety Show. - Matt McDaniel

Members of Zeta Tau Alpha perform as super humans exposed to toxic chemicals during the 17th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Jacob Moore 5/3/14 | 23379 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha perform as super humans exposed to toxic chemicals during the 17th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore

Members of Zeta Tau Alpha throw their hands out during a dance routine in their performance at the 17th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Jacob Moore 5/3/14 | 23380 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha throw their hands out during a dance routine in their performance at the 17th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore

Morgan Roth, junior nursing major, performs with Zeta Tau Alpha, in the 17th Annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 5/3/14 | 23394 | XL
Morgan Roth, junior nursing major, performs with Zeta Tau Alpha, in the 17th Annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - MiKalla Cotton

Zeta Tau Alpha performs in the 17th Annual Variety Show. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 5/3/14 | 23395 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs in the 17th Annual Variety Show. - MiKalla Cotton

Members of Zeta Tau Alpha perform in the 17th Annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 5/3/14 | 23396 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha perform in the 17th Annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - MiKalla Cotton

The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha perform an act with superhuman powers at the 17th Annual SAC Variety Show. - Photo by Amanda Rohde 5/3/14 | 23367 | XL
The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha perform an act with superhuman powers at the 17th Annual SAC Variety Show. - Amanda Rohde

Rachel West (left), junior family studies major, dances in the Zeta Tau Alpha performance in the 17th Annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 5/3/14 | 23371 | XL
Rachel West (left), junior family studies major, dances in the Zeta Tau Alpha performance in the 17th Annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Matt McDaniel

Hope Lewis, junior elementary education major, and Tori Brooks, senior english major read scripture during the prayer chapel in remembrance of Olivia Greenlee. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 2/14/14 | 23040 | XL
Hope Lewis, junior elementary education major, and Tori Brooks, senior english major read scripture during the prayer chapel in remembrance of Olivia Greenlee. - Matt McDaniel

Members of the Chi Omega, Kappa Delta, and Zeta Tau Alpha sororities enjoy dinner together at A Panhellenic Christmas in the Bowld Student Commons.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 12/2/13 | 22849 | XL
Members of the Chi Omega, Kappa Delta, and Zeta Tau Alpha sororities enjoy dinner together at A Panhellenic Christmas in the Bowld Student Commons. - Anne Richoux

Kate Lawrence, senior business administration major, talks with her Zeta Tau Alpha sorority sisters during A Panhellenic Christmas in the Bowld Student Commons.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 12/2/13 | 22850 | XL
Kate Lawrence, senior business administration major, talks with her Zeta Tau Alpha sorority sisters during A Panhellenic Christmas in the Bowld Student Commons. - Anne Richoux

Members of Zeta Tau Alpha read scripture as a part of A Panhellenic Christmas in the Bowld Student Commons.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 12/2/13 | 22852 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha read scripture as a part of A Panhellenic Christmas in the Bowld Student Commons. - Anne Richoux

The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha put together the boxes for a shrimp boil at Union Night. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 9/28/13 | 22434 | XL
The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha put together the boxes for a shrimp boil at Union Night. - Matt McDaniel

Kayla Dubrule (left middle), senior elementary education major, introduces Morgan Nelson, sophomore nursing major, to her mother (right) and grandmother (left) at Union Night. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 9/28/13 | 22435 | XL
Kayla Dubrule (left middle), senior elementary education major, introduces Morgan Nelson, sophomore nursing major, to her mother (right) and grandmother (left) at Union Night. - Matt McDaniel

Emma Hopkins, sophomore nursing major, takes up tickets at the Zeta Tau Alpha shrimp boil during Union Night. This event has become a tradition during Family Weekend.  - Photo by Matt McDaniel 9/28/13 | 22436 | XL
Emma Hopkins, sophomore nursing major, takes up tickets at the Zeta Tau Alpha shrimp boil during Union Night. This event has become a tradition during Family Weekend. - Matt McDaniel

Zeta Tau Alpha sponsors a shrimp boil to raise funds for breast cancer awareness at Union Night during Family Weekend.  - Photo by Amanda Rohde 9/28/13 | 22439 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha sponsors a shrimp boil to raise funds for breast cancer awareness at Union Night during Family Weekend. - Amanda Rohde

Hannah Richardson, sophomore biology major, congratulates Mary Mattison Evans, freshman, for becoming a new member of Zeta Tau Alpha at the conclusion of Panhellenic bid day. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 8/31/13 | 22278 | XL
Hannah Richardson, sophomore biology major, congratulates Mary Mattison Evans, freshman, for becoming a new member of Zeta Tau Alpha at the conclusion of Panhellenic bid day. - Matt McDaniel

The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha preform their large group act Saturday evening at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 4/20/13 | 21735 | XL
The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha preform their large group act Saturday evening at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Morris Abernathy

Nick Fleming, sophomore ministries and missions major, and Tori Brooks, junior English creative writing major, perform in the Zeta rendition of Phantom of the Opera for the 16th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 4/20/13 | 21737 | XL
Nick Fleming, sophomore ministries and missions major, and Tori Brooks, junior English creative writing major, perform in the Zeta rendition of Phantom of the Opera for the 16th annual Variety Show. - Morris Abernathy

Zeta Tau Alpha performs during the 16th annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 4/20/13 | 21806 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs during the 16th annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Matt McDaniel

Brooke Dickson, senior nursing major, dances in the Zeta Tau Alpha large group performance during the 16th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 4/20/13 | 21804 | XL
Brooke Dickson, senior nursing major, dances in the Zeta Tau Alpha large group performance during the 16th annual Variety Show. - Matt McDaniel

Cassidy Sheppard, freshman, throws the the Zeta crown with her fingers during the Zeta Tau Alpha performance at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 4/20/13 | 21794 | XL
Cassidy Sheppard, freshman, throws the the Zeta crown with her fingers during the Zeta Tau Alpha performance at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Matt McDaniel

Kate Lawrence, junior business administration major, plays Carlotta in Zeta Tau Alpha's interpretation of "The Phantom of the Opera" during the 16th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/20/13 | 21772 | XL
Kate Lawrence, junior business administration major, plays Carlotta in Zeta Tau Alpha's interpretation of "The Phantom of the Opera" during the 16th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore

The Phantom, played by Claudia Velasco, leads Christine, played by Tori Brooks, across the stage to the opera house's underground lair during Zeta Tau Alpha's performance of "Phantom of the Opera" at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/20/13 | 21775 | XL
The Phantom, played by Claudia Velasco, leads Christine, played by Tori Brooks, across the stage to the opera house's underground lair during Zeta Tau Alpha's performance of "Phantom of the Opera" at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore

Claudia Velasco, senior accounting major, portrays the Phantom in Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show performance. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/20/13 | 21776 | XL
Claudia Velasco, senior accounting major, portrays the Phantom in Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show performance. - Jacob Moore

Claudia Velasco, senior accounting major, heads up a leap during Zeta Tau Alpha's performance at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/20/13 | 21777 | XL
Claudia Velasco, senior accounting major, heads up a leap during Zeta Tau Alpha's performance at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore

Tori Brooks, junior english creative writing major, plays Christine and rips of the mask of the phantom played by Claudia Velasco, senior philosophy major during the 16th annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 4/20/13 | 21807 | XL
Tori Brooks, junior english creative writing major, plays Christine and rips of the mask of the phantom played by Claudia Velasco, senior philosophy major during the 16th annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Matt McDaniel

Claudia Velasco, senior philosophy major, plays the phantom in the Zeta Tau Alpha performance of "Phantom of the Opera" during the 16th annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 4/20/13 | 21811 | XL
Claudia Velasco, senior philosophy major, plays the phantom in the Zeta Tau Alpha performance of "Phantom of the Opera" during the 16th annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Matt McDaniel

The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha perform in their own rendition of "Phantom of the Opera" for the 16th annual Variety Show, presented by the Student Activities Council. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 4/20/13 | 21738 | XL
The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha perform in their own rendition of "Phantom of the Opera" for the 16th annual Variety Show, presented by the Student Activities Council. - Morris Abernathy

Nick Fleming, sophomore ministries and missions major, performs a masquerade scene from Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show performance with Tori Brooks, junior English creative writing major, and members of Zeta Tau Alpha. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/20/13 | 21774 | XL
Nick Fleming, sophomore ministries and missions major, performs a masquerade scene from Zeta Tau Alpha's Variety Show performance with Tori Brooks, junior English creative writing major, and members of Zeta Tau Alpha. - Jacob Moore

At center, Tori Brooks separates the Phantom, played by Claudia Velasco, and Raoul, played by Nick Fleming, during the final scene of Zeta Tau Alpha's "Phantom of the Opera" at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/20/13 | 21778 | XL
At center, Tori Brooks separates the Phantom, played by Claudia Velasco, and Raoul, played by Nick Fleming, during the final scene of Zeta Tau Alpha's "Phantom of the Opera" at the 16th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore

The members of Zeta Tau Alpha celebrate winning the overall best performance in the 16th annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Photo by Matt McDaniel 4/20/13 | 21801 | XL
The members of Zeta Tau Alpha celebrate winning the overall best performance in the 16th annual Variety Show at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Matt McDaniel

Members of Zeta Tau Alpha Leah Hamilton, junior family studies major, Hannah Richardson, freshman biology major, Kathlin White, sophomore elementary education major, and Mary Jo Stinson, freshman undecided major, enjoy a slip 'n slide on Panhellenic Bid Day.  - Photo by Anne Richoux 9/1/12 | 20812 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha Leah Hamilton, junior family studies major, Hannah Richardson, freshman biology major, Kathlin White, sophomore elementary education major, and Mary Jo Stinson, freshman undecided major, enjoy a slip 'n slide on Panhellenic Bid Day. - Anne Richoux

Morgan Smith, junior nursing major, cheers on her Zeta Tau Alpha sisters during Greek Olympics. - Photo by Zac Calvert 4/28/12 | 20397 | XL
Morgan Smith, junior nursing major, cheers on her Zeta Tau Alpha sisters during Greek Olympics. - Zac Calvert

Heather Dragg, senior psychology major, leads Zeta Tau Alpha in a cheer during Greek Olympics. - Photo by Zac Calvert 4/28/12 | 20398 | XL
Heather Dragg, senior psychology major, leads Zeta Tau Alpha in a cheer during Greek Olympics. - Zac Calvert

Rachel West, freshman nursing major, helps style hair for Taylor Klock, freshman English major, for Zeta Tau Alpha's performance at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/21/12 | 20130 | XL
Rachel West, freshman nursing major, helps style hair for Taylor Klock, freshman English major, for Zeta Tau Alpha's performance at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore

Members of Zeta Tau Alpha set props for the 15th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/21/12 | 20153 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha set props for the 15th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore

Alexis Pham, freshman, Tori Brooks, sophomore English major, and Brooke Dickson, junior nursing major, use their ballet experience during Zeta Tau Alpha's performance at the 15th Annual Variety Show.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 4/21/12 | 20206 | XL
Alexis Pham, freshman, Tori Brooks, sophomore English major, and Brooke Dickson, junior nursing major, use their ballet experience during Zeta Tau Alpha's performance at the 15th Annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha perform at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 4/21/12 | 20224 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha perform at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Morris Abernathy

Members of Zeta Tau Alpha perform as characters from "Pirates of the Caribbean" during the 15th annual Variety Show, hosted by the Student Activities Council. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/21/12 | 20142 | XL
Members of Zeta Tau Alpha perform as characters from "Pirates of the Caribbean" during the 15th annual Variety Show, hosted by the Student Activities Council. - Jacob Moore

Zeta Tau Alpha performs a "Pirates of the Caribbean" themed act during the 15th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Anne Richoux 4/21/12 | 20164 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs a "Pirates of the Caribbean" themed act during the 15th annual Variety Show. - Anne Richoux

Zeta Tau Alpha performs in the 15th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Anne Richoux 4/21/12 | 20165 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs in the 15th annual Variety Show. - Anne Richoux

Sisters Libby Parks, senior nursing major, and Katy Parks, freshman nursing major, perform together with Chi Omega in the 15th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Anne Richoux 4/21/12 | 20170 | XL
Sisters Libby Parks, senior nursing major, and Katy Parks, freshman nursing major, perform together with Chi Omega in the 15th annual Variety Show. - Anne Richoux

Brooke Dickson, junior nursing major, executes an Italian changement during the Zeta Tau Alpha performance at the 15th Annual Variety Show. Zeta Tau Alpha won the best choreography award for the night.  - Photo by Zac Calvert 4/21/12 | 20185 | XL
Brooke Dickson, junior nursing major, executes an Italian changement during the Zeta Tau Alpha performance at the 15th Annual Variety Show. Zeta Tau Alpha won the best choreography award for the night. - Zac Calvert

Claudia Velasco, Tori Brooks, and Kate Drewry battle each other in the Zeta Tau Alpha act during the 15th Annual Variety Show. - Photo by Zac Calvert 4/21/12 | 20187 | XL
Claudia Velasco, Tori Brooks, and Kate Drewry battle each other in the Zeta Tau Alpha act during the 15th Annual Variety Show. - Zac Calvert

Claudia Velasco, junior accounting major, performs the role of Jack Sparrow and throws the Zeta crown symbol during the stomp number in the Zeta Tau Alpha act at the 15th Annual Variety Show. - Photo by Zac Calvert 4/21/12 | 20189 | XL
Claudia Velasco, junior accounting major, performs the role of Jack Sparrow and throws the Zeta crown symbol during the stomp number in the Zeta Tau Alpha act at the 15th Annual Variety Show. - Zac Calvert

Claudia Velasco, junior accounting major, leaps into the air during an ending scene of Zeta Tau Alpha's performance at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Jacob Moore 4/21/12 | 20143 | XL
Claudia Velasco, junior accounting major, leaps into the air during an ending scene of Zeta Tau Alpha's performance at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Jacob Moore

Claudia Velasco, as Captain Jack Sparrow from "Pirates of the Caribbean", performs a stomp along with her fellow sisters in Zeta Tau Alpha sisters at the 15th Annual Variety show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 4/21/12 | 20209 | XL
Claudia Velasco, as Captain Jack Sparrow from "Pirates of the Caribbean", performs a stomp along with her fellow sisters in Zeta Tau Alpha sisters at the 15th Annual Variety show. - Ebbie Davis

Claudia Velasco, junior accounting major, stands tall as she says farewell at Zeta Tau Alpha's performance in the 15th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 4/21/12 | 20225 | XL
Claudia Velasco, junior accounting major, stands tall as she says farewell at Zeta Tau Alpha's performance in the 15th annual Variety Show. - Morris Abernathy

Claudia Velasco, junior accounting major, playing the part of Jack Sparrow, is tossed in the air during Zeta Tau Alpha's performance for the 15th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Anne Richoux 4/21/12 | 20166 | XL
Claudia Velasco, junior accounting major, playing the part of Jack Sparrow, is tossed in the air during Zeta Tau Alpha's performance for the 15th annual Variety Show. - Anne Richoux

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha perform their "Pirates of the Caribbean" act at the 15th annual Variety Show.  - Photo by Ebbie Davis 4/21/12 | 20207 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha perform their "Pirates of the Caribbean" act at the 15th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis

The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha celebrate as they win the Presidential Homecoming Cup during the Union Men's Basketball homecoming game against Belhaven. - Photo by Zac Calvert 11/5/11 | 19042 | XL
The ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha celebrate as they win the Presidential Homecoming Cup during the Union Men's Basketball homecoming game against Belhaven. - Zac Calvert

Lily Coursey, junior elementary education major, encourages incoming freshman girls to rush during Greek recruitment at the Student Activity Fair. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 8/21/11 | 18238 | XL
Lily Coursey, junior elementary education major, encourages incoming freshman girls to rush during Greek recruitment at the Student Activity Fair. - Ebbie Davis

Megan Daniel, junior nursing major, crouches with anticipation at the starting line for the baton pass at the Greek Olympics. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 4/30/11 | 17405 | XL
Megan Daniel, junior nursing major, crouches with anticipation at the starting line for the baton pass at the Greek Olympics. - Deanna Santangelo

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha cheer for their sisters who just won the rope pull competition at Greek Olympics. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 4/30/11 | 17407 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha cheer for their sisters who just won the rope pull competition at Greek Olympics. - Deanna Santangelo

Zeta Tau Alpha dominates the rope pull as their sorority sisters cheer them on at Greek Olympics. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 4/30/11 | 17408 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha dominates the rope pull as their sorority sisters cheer them on at Greek Olympics. - Deanna Santangelo

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 4/16/11 | 17332 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis

Caroline Beffa, senior art major, break-dances, while the women of Zeta Tau Alpha, preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 4/16/11 | 17341 | XL
Caroline Beffa, senior art major, break-dances, while the women of Zeta Tau Alpha, preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 4/16/11 | 17342 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 4/16/11 | 17343 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha preform an original act portraying the circus at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis

Haley Geeslin, senior social work major, and the women of Zeta Tau Alpha showcase a variety of their skills and talents while preforming an original act at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 4/16/11 | 17347 | XL
Haley Geeslin, senior social work major, and the women of Zeta Tau Alpha showcase a variety of their skills and talents while preforming an original act at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha, perform an original act at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Ebbie Davis 4/16/11 | 17348 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha, perform an original act at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Ebbie Davis

Zeta Tau Alpha uses dance to recount one girl's dream of the circus at the 14th Annual Variety Show hosted by SAC at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Photo by Victoria Stargel 4/16/11 | 17292 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha uses dance to recount one girl's dream of the circus at the 14th Annual Variety Show hosted by SAC at the Carl Perkins Civic Center. - Victoria Stargel

Zeta Tau Alpha presents an original circus act for the 14th annual Variety Show.   - Photo by Abigail Harris 4/16/11 | 17304 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha presents an original circus act for the 14th annual Variety Show. - Abigail Harris

Zeta Tau Alpha performs their circus number at the 14th annual Variety Show put on by Student Activities Council. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 4/16/11 | 17312 | XL
Zeta Tau Alpha performs their circus number at the 14th annual Variety Show put on by Student Activities Council. - Deanna Santangelo

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha performs at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Photo by Deanna Santangelo 4/16/11 | 17313 | XL
The women of Zeta Tau Alpha performs at the 14th annual Variety Show. - Deanna Santangelo

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