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Scholarship Project

Conference Proceedings (20)

  • "Promoting Flourishing Workplaces through Workplace Caring: Enacting an Ethic of Care Through Human Caring Theory," Academy of Management Association. (August 2022) by April Rowsey
  • "Working Moms' Perceptions of Fairness at Home and Work: A Textual Analysis of Sentimental Polarity," Academy of Management Association. (August 2022) by April Rowsey
  • "The impact of CEO extraversion on organizational proactiveness and corporate social responsibility," Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference. (November 2021) by Duncan Nicol (with Saim Kashmiri, Prachi Gala)
  • "Lessons Learned from Developing a Fully Online, iPad-integrated Master of Education Degree (in press)," Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015. (June 2015) by Stephen Marvin and Eric D. Marvin
  • "Lewis in Flatland.," Proceedings of the Christianity in the Academy Conference. (October 2013) by Matt Lunsford
  • "Reproducible Documents with PythonTeX," (June 2013) by Geoffrey Poore
  • "Scholarship as Apologetics," Proceedings of the 2012 Christianity in the Academy Conference. (March 2012) by Hal L. Poe
  • "The 140 Character Pitch: How Social Media is Changing the Practice of PR," Proceedings of the 2010 Conference of the Tennessee Communication Association. (November 2010) by Ashley Fitch Blair
  • "Digital Media: New Major or New Discipline Revisited," Proceedings of the 2010 Conference of the Tennessee Communication Association. (October 2010) by Christopher Allan Blair
  • "," Inklings Forever 7. (August 2010) by Matt Lunsford
  • "Development of Greener Laboratory Manuals for Introductory Chemistry Courses," (April 2010) by Sally A. Henrie
  • "On Poe's Family," 2009 International Edgar Allan Poe Conference Proceedings. (September 2009) by Hal L. Poe
  • "Introductory Chemistry," (February 2009) by Sally A. Henrie (with K.R. Fowler, J. Guastadisegni, R.E. Hall, K.M. Lindsey, A.G. Murray, T. Nason in collaboration with EscienceLabs and made available as part of a course kit.)
  • "Arithmetic Sequences, Diophantine Equations and the Number of the Beast," Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference of the Assoc. of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences. (January 2009) by Bryan Dawson
  • "Measuring Idiosyncratic Work Arrangements: Development and Validation of the Ex-post i-deals Scale," Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. (February 2008) by Dan J. Slater
  • "Mathematics as Poesis: A Preliminary Project Report," Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Science. (September 2005) by Troy Riggs (with Sam Stueckle, Jeremy Case, Ken Constantine)
  • "Some Disenchantment with "Enchantment"," Society of American Foresters 2005 Annual Convention Proceedings. (February 2005) by Justin Barnard (with E.L. Barnard)
  • "C.S. Lewis and the Problem of Christian Behavior Toward Others (Conference Theme: Who Is My Neighbor?: Christian Conduct in a Dangerous World)," Proceedings of the 2004 Christianity in the Academy Conference. (January 2005) by Hal L. Poe
  • "Beyond the God of the Gaps (Conference Theme: Christian Intellectual Life in a New Dark Age)," Proceedings of the 2003 Christianity in the Academy Conference. (January 2005) by Hal L. Poe
  • "Designing a Mechanical Breadboard for Effective Teaching of Engineering Statics," Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education. (March 2004) by David A. Ward (with Doanh Van and Denise Roberts)