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Scholarship Project

Dissertation/Doctoral Project Committees (68)

  • "Determining How Gender and Experience Affect the Differences in Job Satisfaction Between Public and Private School Teachers in Tennessee" (December 2024) by Lynnisa M. Dearing for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Perceived Effect of Physically Active Lifestyles on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in College Students" (December 2024) by Laura K. Taylor for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "A Study of the Effects of Early Childhood Education on Kindergarten Readiness for Students in a West Tennessee School District" (December 2024) by Takashia Turner for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of Restorative Practices on Student Misbehaviors from the Perspective of Administrators and Nonadministrators" (July 2024) by Ashleigh Nicole Jackson for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of Teacher Language in Early Childhood Programs" (July 2023) by LaShonda D. Lewis for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of First to the Top Legislation on the Achievement Gap of Black and White Students in Tennessee" (May 2023) by Lequite Manning for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of Achieving National Board Certification on Teacher Attrition and Job Satisfaction: A Mixed Methods Study" (May 2023) by Tanya Kennedy Hill for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "High Turnover in Charter Schools: An Analysis of Teachers' and Administrators' Experiences" (May 2023) by Brandi Heard Cox for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Understanding Teachers' Attitudes toward Professional Development to Ensure Effective Opportunities for Professional Learning" (July 2022) by McKenzie Byrd Cohen for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Role of The Gut Microbiome in The Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and Potential Implications for Treatment " (May 2022) by Heather Hetrick for the Master of Science in Biology Chair: Faith Zamamiri-Davis
  • "Mentoring Programs, Approaches, and Processes for Improved Teacher Retention: A Case Study of Shelby County Municipalities" (May 2022) by Brooke H. Parker for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of Faith-Integration Training Programs on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Teaching from a Biblical Worldview" (December 2021) by Clayton Robert Williams for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Supporting Instructional Coaching Needs: The Impact of Coaching Supports on Instructional Coach Self-Efficacy" (December 2021) by Latoya T. Reed for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Measuring the Effects of Jan Richardson’s Next Steps in Guided Reading versus Reading Plus on Third-Grade Students’ Guided Reading Level, Comprehension, and Standards Mastery" (December 2020) by Jessica M. Adams for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of Student Absenteeism on ACT Performance" (May 2020) by Christopher Gerald Maley for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of an Integrated Curriculum on the Academic Achievement and Academic Enjoyment of Elementary School Students" (May 2020) by Sara Elizabeth Cravens for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Student Perceptions of the Effects of Chapel Services on the Faith Formation of Students in Christian Schools" (December 2019) by Joseph Aubrey Walker for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "A Comparison of Student Growth on Mathematics Formative Assessments Before and After the Implementation of GO Math!" (December 2019) by Alysia Marie Durham for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Effect of Scheduling on Student Academic Achievement" (July 2019) by Steven Eugene Meyer for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Predicting TNReady Reading Assessment Scores in Grades 6-8 Using Oral Reading Fluency Data" (December 2018) by Katie Mansfield for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Differences in STAR Early Literacy Scores among Kindergarten Based on Preschool Experiences" (December 2018) by Monica Shaw for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Relationship among Trait Emotional Intelligence, Academic Achievement, and Athletic Participation in Eighth-Grade Students" (July 2018) by Stacey Alexander for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Analysis of Teacher Job Satisfaction in West Tennessee Public Schools" (July 2018) by Christopher Morris for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "A Case Study for the Impact of Quaver’s Marvelous Word of Music on an Elementary School’s Music Program" (May 2017) by Stephen Foster for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Effects of Single-Sex Classes on Academic Performance and the ACT" (December 2016) by Lauren Balentine for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of Edmodo on Achievement and Connectedness of Middle School Students" (December 2016) by Kayla Collins for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Teacher Characteristics and Their Effects on End-of-Course Mathematics Student Achievement Scores of High School Students in Rural West Tennessee" (July 2016) by Macklin F. Smith, II for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Optimizing the Efficiency of Tennessee Prekindergarten through Twelfth Grade Public Education" (May 2016) by J. Eric Ellerbrook for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of a Virtual Social Environment on Online Learning" (December 2015) by Jennifer Brandon for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "An An Evaluation of a Teacher Training Program at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum" (December 2015) by Monnie DeBerry for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Hispanic Representation in Special Education: Patterns and Implications" (December 2015) by Sandra Seda-Rivera for the Ed.D. Chair: Linda Cash
  • "Effects of Inclusion Classrooms on Academic Achievement of Students with Learning Disabilities and Students" (December 2015) by Sharon Ware for the Ed.D. Chair: Linda Cash
  • "The Potential Influence a Teacher's Personality Has on Student Value-Added Results" (July 2015) by Bryan Chandler for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Role of Metacognition in a Montessori Environment and the Effects on Academic Achievement" (July 2015) by Melinda Harris for the Ed.D. Michele W. Atkins and Anna Clifford Chair: Michelle Atkins
  • "The Effects of Bullying on Student Academic Achievement in Middle School Students" (July 2015) by Nicole Boyle for the Ed.D. Chair: Linda Cash
  • "High Achieving Students in Tennessee's Rural High Schools: Advanced Coursework and College Readiness" (July 2015) by Katherine Burgun for the Ed.D. Chair: Linda Cash
  • "Effects of Mentoring and Induction on Beginning Teacher Success and Student Growth" (December 2014) by Mary Day Reynolds for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "The Effects of Standards-based Grading on Student Achievement, Grade Alignment, and Teacher Perceptions" (July 2014) by Kristina Buttrey for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Servant Leadership as a Predictor of Student Academic Growth, Faculty/Staff Attendance and Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Health of the Middle School" (July 2014) by Duane Eliff for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "The Effects of Teacher Characteristics on Fourth- Through Eighth-Grade Students' Mathematics and Reading Gain Scores in a Rural Tennessee Setting" (July 2014) by Tanchonika Harris for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of Student Accountability on Motivation to Perform, On-task Behavior, and Academic Gains Using A Computer-assisted Intervention for Mat" (July 2014) by Kerri Anne Kimery-Breeden for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Impact of Traditional and Standards-based Grading on Teacher-issued Grades, Student Achievement, and Parental Understanding of Grades" (July 2014) by J. Brian Norton for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "Evaluating Educators' Perceived Value of Augmented Reality in the Classroom" (July 2014) by Bethany Sansone for the Ed.D. Chair: Eric D. Marvin
  • "The Effects of Athletic Training Education Program Directors' Cultural Competence on Program Diversity Index" (May 2014) by Cliff Pawley for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "The Effects of Instructional Coaching on Collective Teacher Efficacy and School-Level Teacher Effect in Tennessee Public Middle Schools" (December 2013) by Carla S. Cushman for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "Professional Commitment, Ethical Reasoning, and the Belief in Regulatory Compliance as Perceived by Safety Professionals" (December 2012) by John Wells, Jr. for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "Intercultural Competence in a Cohort of Freshmen at a Faith-based Institution in the Southeast United States" (May 2012) by Jason Castles for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "The Longitudinal Impact of Block Scheduling in the High School Setting" (July 2011) by Jonathan B. Kee for the Ed.D. Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "The Escalating Costs of Higher Education in Faith-Based Institutions: Identification of Challenges and Solutions" (July 2010) by Gary N. Williams for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "The Impact of Intercollegiate Athletics on Undergraduate Enrollmenet at a Small, Private, Southern, Faith-based Institution" (May 2010) by Matthew Brunet for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "Executive Coaching Among Female Public School Superintendents and its Relationship to Stress and Self-fulfillment" (April 2010) by Jennifer C. Wyatt for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "Perceptions of Career Technical Education by Middle School and High School Counselors and the Effect of these Perceptions on Student Choice of Career " (December 2009) by Kathy Finlayson for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "Evaluating The Effectiveness of Professional Development in Tennessee Schools Using Teachers' Perceptions and Adequate Yearly Progress" (August 2009) by Shelia O'Briant for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "Factors that Determine the Success Among Traditional and Nontraditional Students in Online Education" (May 2009) by Lucia Vanderpool for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "The Effect of Teacher Participation in the Gateway Institute of Algebra on Student Academic Achievement" (August 2008) by Melinda Broyles for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "Spirituality among Public School Principals and Its Relationship to Job Satisfaction and Resiliency" (August 2008) by Justin Robertson for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "Variables Affecting the Recruitment and Retention of Male Primary and Secondary Teachers" (August 2008) by Stephen Warren for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "The Effect of Dialect Produced by Typically Developing African American Elementary Students on Phonological Awareness and Its Implications for Readng" (August 2007) by Amy Harris for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "Methods of Teacher Evaluation and Their Effect on Student Achievement" (August 2007) by Bryan Williams for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "Teacher Practices and Student Science Grades as Indicators of Performance on the Reading, Mathematics and Science Reasoning Subtests of the ACT" (August 2005) by Marilyn Wade for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "Relationships Between Professional Teacher Characteristics and Academic Achievement of Middle School Science Students" (May 2005) by Becky Cox for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "Tennessee Schools Systems and Public Relations Programs: A Multivariate Approach" (May 2005) by George Scott for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "The Relationship of Student-Reported Teacher Effectiveness and End of Course Outcomes in Developmental Reading at the Community College Level" (August 2004) by Charles Clark for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "The Effects of Characteristics and Practices of Third Grade Reading Teachers on Student Reading Performance" (August 2004) by Sherry Freeman for the Ed.D. Chair: Kenneth Newman
  • "The Relationship Between Emotional and Ethical Decision-Making" (August 2004) by Barbara Scott for the Ed.D. Chair: Michele W. Atkins
  • "" () by for the Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "" () by for the Chair: Ben T. Phillips
  • "" () by for the Chair: Ben T. Phillips