Sean F. Evans
Chair and Professor of Political Science
Visit University Profile60 Results
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article(s)
- "A New Look at Turnover in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1789-1998," American Politics Quarterly, 435-57. (October 2000) (with John W. Swain, Stephen A. Borrelli,and Brian C. Reed)
Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Article(s)
- "Mean Turnover in the House of Representatives from Various Sources (as a Proportion of Total House Membership) by Decade and Party System, 1789-2000," Vital Statistics on American Politics 2015-2016. (December 2015)
- "," Journal of the Union Faculty Forum, Issue 34, 57-76. (November 2014)
- "Mean Turnover in the House of Representatives from Various Sources (as a Proportion of Total House Membership) by Decade and Party System, 1789-1998," Vital Statistics on American Politics 1997-1998. (December 1998) (with Stephen A. Borrelli, Brian C. Reed)
Review Article(s)
- "South Carolina v Katzenbach," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009)
- "Humphrey's Executor v United States," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009)
- "Lee v Weisman," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009)
- "Olmstead v United States," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009)
- "Planned Parenthood v Casey," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009)
- "Clinton v Jones," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009)
- "Cooper v Aaron," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009)
- "Craig v Boren," The Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. (February 2009)
- "God, Gold and Guns: The Partisan Realignment of Rural Whites in Tennessee" Southern Political Science Association, San Antonio, TX. (January 2022)
- "Delaying the Inevitable: The Importance of Legislative Agenda Control in Sustaining Democratic Majorities in the Tennessee State Legislature" Southern Political Science Association. (January 2021)
- "The Partisan Realignment of Rural Whites and the Decline of Electoral Incongruence" Symposium on Southern Politics, The Citadel, Charleston, SC. (March 2020)
- "Members of the Church of Christ in Congress"
(with Neal Coates)
Christian Scholars Conference, Lubbock, TX. (June 2019) - "Candidate Quality and the Delayed Republican Gains in Southern State Legislatures" Southern Political Science Association, Austin, TX. (January 2019)
- "You Can't Beat Somebody with a Nobody: Candidate Emergence and the Candidate Quality in the Tennessee Legislature" Christian in Political Science, Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, GA. (June 2018)
- "Party Financing and the Conversion of the Tennessee House of Representatives" Symposium on Southern Politics, The Citadel, Charleston, SC. (March 2018)
- "The Growth of State Legislative Republicans in the Tennessee State House" Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA. (January 2017)
- "Rocky Top Turns Red: Flipping the Tennessee State Senate to the GOP" Christians in Political Science, Baylor University, Waco, TX. (June 2016)
- "Tennessee Turns Red: Partisan Change in a Southern State Legislature" Symposium on Southern Politics, The Citadel, Charleston, SC. (March 2016)
- "The Political Environment and Strategic Retirement from the U.S. Senate" Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (April 2015)
- "The Establishment Strikes Back: The Education of Tea Party Legislators in the Tennessee State Legislature" Christians in Political Science, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA. (May 2014)
- "The Political Environment and Strategic Retirement from the House of Representatives" Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA. (January 2014)
- "The Impact of Losing Majority Party Status on Retirement from the House, 1945-2010"
(with John Swain
Southern Political Science Association, Orlando, FL. (January 2013) - "The Impact of Reform on Retirement from the U.S. House of Representatives, 1945-2010"
(with John Swain)
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (April 2012) - "Forecasting the Future; The Politics of Evangelical College Students"
(with Micah Watson and Matthew Kuchem
Western Political Science Association, San Antonio, TX. (April 2011) - "Strategic Retirement from the US Senate, 1945-2010"
(with John W. Swain)
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (March 2011) - "Evangelical College Students in the Age of Obama"
(with Micah Watson, Matthew Kuchem, and Katie Mohler
Christians in Political Science Meetings, Germantown, TN. (July 2010) - "Strategic Retirement from the U. S. House of Representatives, 1947-2008"
(with John W. Swain and Brian C. Reed)
Southwestern Political Science Association, Denver, CO. (April 2009) - "Strategic Retirement from the U. S. House of Representatives, 1995-2006"
(with John W. Swain and Brian C. Reed)
Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA. (January 2008) - "Strategic Retirement from the U. S. House of Representatives, 1974-2004"
(with John W. Swain and Brian C. Reed)
Southwestern Political Science Association, Albuquerque, NM. (March 2007) - "Partisan Committee Opposition in the U.S. House of Representatives" Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA. (January 2006)
- "The Moderation Hypothesis in Local Southern Elections" Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA. (January 2005)
- "The Carrryover Effect in State and Local Elections" Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (April 2004)
- "The Guardian of Good Ideas: Minority Party Policy Making in Congress" Southwestern Political Science Association, San Antonio, TX. (April 2003)
- "The Judicial Confirmation Process: Problems and Prospects" Tennessee Political Science Association. (April 2003)
- "60 Million and Change: Self-financing and the Definition of Candidate Quality" Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA. (November 2001)
- College Evangelical Survey 黑料论坛 Research Grant, 2009
- Who's Who in America 2009
- Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2009
- Who's Who in America 2008
- Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2008
- President, Tennessee Political Science Association 2007
- Citizen Views Toward Metropolitican Government and the Jackson Madison County School System 黑料论坛 Undergraduate Research Grant, 2007
- Who's Who in America 2007
- Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2007
- Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2006
- President-Elect, Tennessee Political Science Association 2006
- Vice President, Tennessee Political Association 2005
- Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2005
- Faculty Leader, Campaign 2004: The Republican National Convention. The Washington Center 2004
- Whither the Southern Republican?: Republican and Democratic Prospects at the Local level in the South 黑料论坛 Undergraduate Research Grant, 2004
- Secretary, Tennessee Political Science Association 2004
- Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2004
- Treasurer, Tennessee Political Science Association 2003
- Divisive Primaries in State and Local Elections Teagle Research Grant, 2002
- Executive Committee, Tennessee Political Science Association 2002
- Politics and Religion Teagle Grant for Course Redesign and Development, 2001